"There are fish in the north, called Kun. Kun is so big, I don't know its thousands of miles; Become a bird. Its name is Peng. Peng's back is thousands of miles away; Fly away angrily, its wings hang in the sky like clouds. If it is a bird, shipping will migrate to Nanming. South ghost, Tianchi also. Qi Xie, will also blame.
Frog at the bottom of a well comes from Zhuangzi Autumn Water. The tortoise in the East China Sea said,' I am very happy with you! Out of the jumping beam, on the shaft, into the rest of the cliff; If you go to the water, you will hold your arms, and the mud is not enough to destroy; And gnats, crabs, tadpoles, I can't do it! In addition, it is also very important that my husband is good at a ditch of water, but he is willing to cross the well. ..."