Lu Henggong, a famous track and field athlete, is the first15th monarch of Lu. His father Lu and his maternal concubine died, his mother was his wife and his son was his son.
Gong Hui is dead and the track is still young. The ministers discussed, and let the big bastard Xigu be the monarch for the time being, and he will be the Lu Yingong. Lu also has a son named Yi and Yu Fu. He is insidious and cunning, provoking the relationship between Yin Gong and the prince. The prince was credulous, took Yin Gong out of the city to worship, killed Yin Gong, and blamed it on Dr. Ai. The prince became a monarch and was called Lu Henggong.
Wen Jiang, the second daughter of Qi Guogong and Qi Xigong, and the wife of Lv Henggong, had a close relationship with her half-brother Jiang Zhuer when they got married. Qi Xigong found himself married to Jiang Zhuer and promised Lu Henggong to propose marriage.
When Wen Jiang got married, in order to avoid suspicion, his father Qi Xigong personally sent him to get married. Wen Jiang gave birth to two sons Ji Tong and Ji Ji You for Lu Heng. During this period, Qi Xigong repeatedly refused to meet his brother and sister.
Wen Jiang returned to Qi to visit relatives.
In the fourteenth year of Lv Henggong, Qi Xigong died, and Jiang Zhuer succeeded to the throne, namely Qi Xianggong. Wen Jiang and Lu Henggong returned to Qi. Lv Henggong found out about his younger brother and sister, but he was in Qi, so he began to return to Lu.
When Jiang Zhuer learned the news, she gave a banquet in Niu Shan to bid farewell to Lv Henggong, and Qi Xianggong frequently urged wine. Let his son Peng win the city, and Peng Sheng took the opportunity to kill Lv Hou. Prince Ji is the heir to the throne, that is, Duke Zhuang of Lu.
In order to dispel the suspicion of Lu people, Qi Xianggong blamed Peng Sheng and put him to death. Wen Jiang returned to Lu, lived on the Qilu border, and continued to associate with him. Later, there was a civil strife in Qi, and he was killed, and his younger brother succeeded to the throne, that is. At this time, Wen Jiang returned to Lu and assisted his son Lu Zhuanggong to govern Lu.
-202 10704 comes from China for five thousand years.