Original: Zhuangzi, Mongolian also, named Zhou. Zhou Chang was an official of the lacquer garden, contemporary with Liang. His knowledge is omniscient, but it is due to Lao Tzu's words. So he wrote hundreds of words, which is probably a fantasy. Be a fisherman, steal his feet, despise Confucius, and show Lao Tzu's skill. Fear of fatigue and weakness, and the prosperity of mulberry are all empty words without facts. However, goodness belongs to books, which means things, and plagiarism is used to peel off Confucianism and ink, although contemporary learning cannot forgive itself. His writing is self-indulgent to suit himself, so he can't use it from the princes. Wen Zhuang, make thick money to meet it, Xu thought. Zhuang Zhou said with a smile, the Chu envoy said, "A thousand dollars is a heavy profit; Qing Xiang's status is also respected. I don't think the sacrifice in the suburbs is the only sacrifice. When I was a few years old, my clothes were embroidered with words for entering the temple. When it is, although you want to be a lonely dolphin, how can you get it? I am eager to go, it won't pollute me. I'd rather hurry up in the blasphemy game, be bound by those who have nothing to do with the country, and be an official for life, so as to be faster in ambition.
Zhuangzi is a Mongolian named Zhou. He used to be a small official in the garden, contemporary with Liang,, and. He is knowledgeable and has dabbled in and studied everything, but his central idea stems from Laozi's theory. He wrote hundreds of thousands of words, most of which were fables with excuses. He wrote Fisherman, Stealing Feet and Jacket to denigrate Confucius Institute. And it shows that Lao Tzu's theory is for this purpose. "Afraid of being tired" and "persuading Sang Zi" are all empty words, and there is nothing practical. Zhuangzi is good at writing ci and describing the situation of things to attack and refute Confucianism and Mohism. Even the contemporary knowledgeable people are inevitably attacked by him. His language, Wang Yang, is vast and unrestrained to suit his own temperament, so it can't be used by the king. Chu Weiwang heard that Zhuang Zhou was a good man, so he sent messengers to hire him with generous gifts and promised to make him the prime minister of Cao. Zhuang Zhou smiled and said to the envoy of Chu: "The daughter is indeed a generous gift; Qing Xiang is indeed a lofty post. Haven't you ever seen a cow sacrifice to heaven and earth? Feed it for a few years, cover it with patterned silks and satins, and bring it into the ancestral temple as a sacrifice. At this time, even if it wants to be a lonely pig, can it be done? Please leave quickly and don't defile me. I would rather play happily in a small ditch than be bound by a monarch. I won't be an official all my life to make my heart happy.
Related allusions: painter, painter, painter's book, Zuo Zhuang, Zhuang Zhou, Zhuang Sheng and Mr. Meng Yi.