Understand a traditional Chinese medicine every day——Astragalus

The effects of astragalus are as follows:

1. It nourishes qi and generates yang. For example, astragalus water can treat weak speech, shortness of breath, and mental fatigue;

2. Astragalus has For example, Yupingfeng Granules are composed of Astragalus, Fangfeng, and Stir-fried Atractylodes. They can treat hyperhidrosis, especially daytime sweating, that is, spontaneous sweating;

3. Diuretic and swelling, For example, edema can be treated by taking boiled astragalus water;

4. It can prevent miscarriage, such as threatened abortion, and some traditional Chinese medicine containing astragalus can be used;

5. Astragalus has the effect of astringing sores. For example, after an injury, the muscles do not grow long or the wound never heals, you can use astragalus to treat it.

6. Replenishing qi and strengthening the surface: Astragalus is relatively sweet and warm, enters the spleen meridian, and is an important medicine for replenishing the spleen. It can treat weak spleen, fatigue and fatigue, as well as less food and loose stools;

7. Concentrate sweating and consolidate sweating: Astragalus can replenish the qi of the lungs and spleen, strengthen the defense qi, strengthen the exterior and stop sweating, and treat the deficiencies of the defense qi and spontaneous sweating caused by deficiencies of the spleen and lungs. Astragalus can raise yang and relieve depression, and can also treat chronic diarrhea, prolapse, visceral prolapse and other diseases caused by spleen deficiency and depression of qi;

8. Diuretic and reduce swelling: It can nourish the spleen and qi to treat the root cause, and can also be a diuretic It is an important medicine for qi deficiency and edema by reducing swelling and treating symptoms. It can treat spleen deficiency, water-dampness, loss of luck, edema and oliguria;

9. Supporting sores and draining pus: Astragalus has the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing blood. Strong righteousness can support toxins and pus, promote muscle growth and reduce sores, treat acne, carbuncles, etc.;

10. Regulate blood pressure: Its antihypertensive ingredients are γ-aminobutyric acid and astragalus saponin A, which are good for Blood pressure has a two-way regulating effect, which can significantly reduce the resistance of cerebral blood vessels, peripheral blood vessels, coronary arteries, and mesenteric arteries, and has a certain dilation effect on blood vessels in these parts, but has a constrictive effect on renal blood vessels;

11 . Increase the body's immune function: It can significantly increase the total number of white blood cells in the blood, promote the phagocytosis and bactericidal functions of neutrophils and macrophages, and enhance the body's immune ability;

12. Hepatoprotective effect : It has a certain recovery effect on the reduction of serum total protein and albumin caused by carbon tetrachloride in liver damage, and can prevent the reduction of liver glycogen caused by carbon tetrachloride, and improve the ability of patients with chronic hepatitis to clear the virus. , or the ability to inhibit the spread of the virus;

13. Cardiotonic function: It can increase the amplitude of cardiac contraction and increase output, and has a more obvious effect on poisoning or heart failure. Moreover, astragalus polysaccharide can effectively resist acute myocardial ischemia caused by pituitaryin.


1. Do not drink if you have kidney yin deficiency, dampness and heat, or excessive heat and poison

2. Do not drink during menstruation

3 .Do not drink if you have a cold or fever

4. Do not drink if you are pregnant

5. Those who are allergic to astragalus cannot take it

6. Use it with ginseng and other qi and blood supplements < /p>


"Compendium of Materia Medica", "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" and "National Pharmacopoeia"

Note: Please follow the doctor's advice and do not take it casually if you do not understand your own body constitution. Drinking health products