Original text: Jia Dao went to raise the capital. One day, he got a cloud on the donkey, birds stayed in the trees by the pool, and monks knocked on the door of the moon. At first, he wanted to push and type. When the practice is not finished, I sing on the donkey one by one, and I always lead my hand to deliberate. When Han Yu's official department has the right to Jing Zhao, the island unconsciously rushes to the third quarter, and the island has a long time to get the poems. Han immediately said that the island is good for typing, and it is a good thing to go back one by one, and to stay on the poem and make friends with the cloth.
Translation: Jia Dao went to Beijing for the first time to take an exam. One day, he rode on a donkey and wrote poems, so that birds stayed in the trees by the pool and monks knocked at the door on the moon. At first, I wanted to push the word, but when I thought about it, I thought it was good to type. I couldn't decide what to use, so I chanted repeatedly and made push and knock gestures with my hands. Han Yu was the official department right trillion Yin, Jia Dao unconsciously collided with the guard of honor in the third quarter, and was escorted to the front of Han Yu by attendants. Jia Dao then told Han Yu about his own poetry, and Han Yu immediately stopped for a long time, saying that typing was better for Jia Dao, so he returned to his house with Jia Dao and talked about poetry together. They finally became good friends.