According to the historical records of the Tang Dynasty, the Hu people mainly lived in Xicheng. These Hu people's settlements are not only their homes, but also their places to make a living. There is also the famous "Hu Ji" in the history of the Tang Dynasty in the western market. The so-called "Hu Ji" is a woman among the Hu people who can dance, play the piano, sing and accompany the wine. After the Hu people lived in Chang 'an, many people didn't want to return to China, so they got married and had children in Chang 'an and gradually assimilated into China people. Of course, there are also Hu women who marry Tang people. But there are few such records, and we only find Hu Ji in Tang poetry.
Hu Ji, who sells wine for a living in Chang 'an, is also a waiter. All the people who drink and eat are literati, who recite poems after drinking, such as the poem "White Nose" written by Zhang Hu: "For the bottom of Ji Hu's wine, they have a white nose. Picking the lotus and throwing it into the water makes Langyi a floating flower. " Li Bai's "There is a restaurant in front of the door" records: "The piano plays the Longmen Qingtong, and the jade pot is empty. Urge the string to brush the column and drink with you, and look at Zhu and Yan. When Hu Ji smiles at the spring breeze, she looks like a flower. Laugh at the spring breeze, dance clothes, and don't get drunk today! " . Li Bai also wrote a poem with a white nose: "Silver saddle with a white nose and green mud brocade. When the drizzle falls in the spring breeze, you will drink it with a whip. " There is also Juyuan Yang's "Hu Ji Ci": "Yan Yan looks at the head of the river and is hospitable in the spring breeze. When you know my habit, it is a shame to send wine to Lang. Pass on the banana fan and make it into a bamboo building. Counting money and cherishing your wrist can't help but worry. " There are many poems describing Hu Ji, so I won't say them here. It can be seen that as many as Hu Ji in Chang 'an at that time, most of them lived by singing, dancing and drinking.
The appearance of Hu Ji originated from the trade of Hu people, and Hu Ji echoed the customs of raising songs and dancing of Tang literati. As can be seen from the records of Tang poetry, Hu Ji has exotic beauty and was dumped by the literati in the Tang Dynasty. Hu Ji mostly lives in the west side of Chang 'an, and his occupation is "serving wine" and "dancing girl", which has increased the business of Hu wine. Of course, Hu people don't necessarily sell all-Hu wine, but also Tang Dynasty wine.
The so-called "Hu wine" was made by Hu people who brought the brewing method to the Central Plains. According to historical records, red wine appeared in the Tang Dynasty, which may be a kind of Hu wine. However, drinking was very popular in the Tang Dynasty, and people in the Tang Dynasty loved drinking, which also promoted the spread of Hu wine. Hu wine is related to Hu Ji. Tang people go drinking because they like to watch Hu Ji's performance.