The classical Chinese sentence satirizing licking dogs is as follows:
You Wang loves to praise you, because he laughed, he played princes with bonfires, and the dog Rong suddenly came, so you Wang collapsed in Lishan Mountain, praised you and saw Lu, and the Zhou Dynasty was destroyed, laughing for the world;
Meng De, though cherishing Yun Chang, did not love treasures. He offered Red Rabbit Horse, sealed the pavilion of Hanshou, and Yun Chang heard that Brother Runan was trapped, so he put a seal on it, passed five customs and killed six generals, and then he met in the ancient city.
Kuimu Wolf loves Baihua Shame, abandons the celestial stars and turns into Huang Paoguai. He was photographed in Boyue Cavity and stayed together for thirteen years. He didn't perform the ceremony of the Duke of Zhou, and when Monkey was arrested, Baihua rebelled and returned in vain.
Joe larmor was lucky enough to meet the Dragon Mother, and he honored the Queen with all his heart. When the Dragon Mother refused, King Kalasama died, and the leader of the second regiment and nephew Snow came one after another. He finally defended the Dragon Mother and died in winter.
Gatsby was crazy about Daisy, so he set up a mansion, watched it on stage, and held a night's party to attract Daisy. They eloped with each other, and Daisy, a lady, repeatedly accused him of causing traffic accidents. Later, the villain was trapped and assassinated.
The deep meaning of licking dogs refers to those who have no dignity to kneel and lick others.
As a cyber language, the word "dog licking" is usually used in two ways. One is to describe a person who knows clearly that the other person doesn't like himself in a sexual relationship and repeatedly sticks his hot face to his cold ass without dignity and bottom line. With a more straightforward and vulgar name, we can understand it as a kind of being mean. The other is to describe a person who flatters and flatters without principles and bottom lines.
Dog licking was first posted in 216, until it became a common spit language and was used by everyone. Even if there is a special dog licking bar, it can be called the other extreme of the spare tire. After the word dog licking became popular, it was made into a related expression pack by netizens, which was warmly welcomed by everyone and widely used and reprinted.