Birds don't fly, they soar to the sky. Don't sing if you don't sing. If you sing, it will shock the world.
2, accumulated soil into mountains, rain or shine; The water drops merged into the ocean and the dragon was born; Accumulate goodness into virtue, the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared. Warring States, Xunzi, Xunzi, encourage learning.
When the earth is piled up, it becomes a mountain, and the wind and rain will rise; Water gathers into a deep pool where dragons will grow; If you accumulate good deeds, you can become a moral person. Clear-headed, there will be a saint's ideological realm.
3, ten years of cold window, nobody cares, and became famous in one fell swoop. Yuan Gaoming's Pipa Story
When you work hard, others will not pay attention to you. When you are famous, you will be known by everyone.