Thousand-parachute 35-class thousand-parachute

Thousand-machine umbrella (spear shape), level 35. Durability 23, attack speed 5. Physical attack 470, spell attack 350. There is an 8% chance of poisoning the target and an 8% chance of bleeding the target.

Thousand-machine umbrella (sword shape), level 35. Durability 23, attack speed 5. Physical attack 390, spell attack 440. Critical strike chance increased by 2%.

Materials: kuangdao, 40 pieces of sashes, amber spar, 8 red scorpion tail needles, 8 scarlet poison needles, and the rest are unclear (original, Lan Hezheng, immediately looked at it, only to find that the buyout price he thought could never be realized seemed not so difficult. Compared with the previous list, this buyout price seems to only add something. If it is not ten times or twenty times in value, it is almost more than twice. . . . Qian Ji Umbrella Company has now been fully upgraded to level 35. At that time, the purchase list sent to He Lan was exactly what Qian Ji Umbrella Company needed to complete. )