(1) Location: Tielan likes strong light, semi-cloudy, warm and high humidity. Can be placed in a bright environment with diffuse light.
(2) Temperature: it should be grown in an environment higher than 16℃ all the year round, moved to a warm room in winter, and the lowest temperature at night should not be lower than 10℃.
(3) Watering: Water should be fully supplied during the growing period, and the plants should be sprayed with water twice a day in hot weather. It is necessary to keep the basin moist in winter.
(4) Topdressing: apply standard liquid fertilizer with half concentration once a month. Some varieties of dictyophora don't need fertilization.
(5) Pot changing for cultivation: loam with good drainage should be selected for cultivation, and pot changing is generally not needed.
(6) Reproduction: Family planting can be propagated by sprouting meristems. When the basal buds grow to 8 cm long, they are separated from planting.
In hot season, shade and water adequately. In winter, it should be placed in a sunny place indoors and the humidity should be controlled. The temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees Celsius. (1) Spray liquid fertilizer on the leaves once every two weeks. (2) Always keep the basin soil moderately moist and give sufficient diffuse light. (3) Remove residual flowers immediately after flowering failure.