Therefore, the vertical ruler is in Yamanoe, and the lower ruler is in the valley of kilometers. The material is not long and the position is high. Han Feizi's Han Feizi
The high mountain slopes cover the sun steeply, and it is rainy and cloudy. Qu Yuan's Nine Chapters
Mountains and clouds are heavy; Feige is full of blood, and there is no land under it. Wang Bo's Preface to Wang Tengting
A bright moon rises from Qilian Mountain and crosses the vast sea of clouds. Li Bai's Guan Shanyue
Far peaks are cloudless, misty rain is floating. Liangfenghe wanghu Ku mountain temple
White clouds are in the blue sky, but we can't reach them. Liu Ji's Going to Wolong Mountain to Write Twenty-eight Rhymes
When the sky meets the clouds, the Milky Way wants to turn to Qian Fan dance. Li Qingzhao's The Fisherman's Pride
The cloud in front of the mountain changes color. Put a glass and watch the heights together. Zhou Bangyan's Red Forest is Near, Snow Begins.