On the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, the Kitchen God ceased fire and went to Nantian. Pass good news to the jade emperor frequently, and the next spring ploughing will be good. The rain is strong with the wind, and the wasteland becomes a rice river. CoCo Lee has no hard work with the people, and encourages him to borrow Jiuquan.
Off-year is a day for traditional folk culture in China to offer sacrifices to stoves, sweep dust and eat sugar. Off-year is also called Xie Zao, Zao Wang Festival and Zao Festival. Legend has it that Kitchen God will go to heaven at this time of the year and report the sins of the world to God. Therefore, on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, people will offer sacrifices to the kitchen stove and invite the kitchen stove gentleman to eat sugar, hoping that he will not gossip in the Heavenly Palace. Therefore, the most important New Year activity in off-year is "offering sacrifices to the kitchen god".
Fireplaces are mostly held at dusk. The family went to the kitchen first, set the table, incense the kitchen god in the shrine on the kitchen wall, and offer candy, water, beans and socks. Among them, the last three are the mounts of the kitchen god ascending to heaven.
Brief introduction of sacrificial furnace:
Sacrificing a stove is an important activity on the day of off-year In addition to providing candied melon cakes, the portrait of Kitchen God needs to be replaced. When the old portrait of Kitchen God is torn down, every household should "please" come back with a new one. According to folklore, the Kitchen God will report the good and evil of this family to the Jade Emperor every year, so that the Jade Emperor can reward and punish him. Therefore, when sending stoves, people put candy, water, beans and grass on the console table in front of the kitchen god statue; Among them, the last three are the mounts of the kitchen god ascending to heaven.
There is a folk custom that "men don't Yue Bai, women don't offer sacrifices to stoves", so the owner of offering sacrifices to stoves is limited to men. In addition, it is said that on New Year's Eve, the Kitchen God will bring the gods to the world for the New Year, and there will be ceremonies of "receiving the kitchen" and "receiving the gods" on that day. Every family burns sedan chairs and horses, sprinkles three glasses of wine, and sends away the kitchen god, so it's their turn to worship their ancestors.