Confucius said: "From the son of heaven to ordinary people, it is never possible to adhere to filial piety from beginning to end without being hurt."
2, engaged in people, often in a few success or failure. If you are careful to the end, you will never fail. Laozi's moral classics
People often fail when they are close to success. If we can be consistent, persistent and cautious to the end, things will not fail.
3. You must keep your word, and your actions will bear fruit, and it is embarrassing. You can suppress it for the second time. Confucius and His Disciple "The Analects of Confucius and Luz"
You must stick to it, stick to your point of view, and don't ask right or wrong. That's a villain, but you can also be said to be a first-class taxi.
4, things have a beginning and an end, things have an end and a beginning, and knowing the order is a shortcut. Attended the Book of Rites University.
Everything in the world has roots and details, and everything in the world has a beginning and an end. If we understand their order, we are close to the law of development of things.
5. Honesty is the purpose of things; Dishonesty and uselessness are the reasons why a gentleman is sincere. Zi Si's The Mean
Sincere people achieve themselves, but they find their own way. Sincerity runs through the beginning and end of everything. Without sincerity, everything is meaningless. So gentlemen value sincerity. A sincere person is not limited to achieving himself, but takes it as his responsibility to achieve everything.