What are the original texts and translations of the two Tan Gong stories in the Book of Rites?

An original text from "Book of Rites. Tan Gong": Confucius passed by the side of Mount Tai, and there was a woman crying in mourning at the tomb. Confucius listened to it and sent Zilu to ask about it, saying: "When you cry, it seems that you are worried." It means: Confucius was passing by the edge of Mount Tai and saw a woman crying very sadly in front of the tomb. Confucius stood up and leaned against the crossbar, and asked Zilu to go and ask the woman. Zilu asked: "You are crying so sadly, does it seem that you are sad? The original text of the second sentence: There was a great hunger in Qi. Qian Ao laid food on the road, waiting for the hungry to eat. If there were hungry people, they would hide their clothes and collect them. Maomao came.

An article from "Book of Rites. Tan Gong":

Original text: When Confucius passed by the side of Mount Tai, a woman was crying in the tomb and listened to him in the style of a master. He sent Zi Lu to ask about it, saying: "When Zi is crying, it seems that he is worried. "And said: "Yes. In the past, my uncle died of a tiger, my husband died again, and now my son has died again. Master said, "Why don't you go?" Said: "There is no harsh government." The Master said: "You know this, a harsh government is as fierce as a tiger." "

Translation: Confucius was passing by the edge of Mount Tai and saw a woman crying very sadly in front of the tomb. Confucius stood up and leaned against the crossbar and asked Zilu to go and ask the woman. Zilu asked Said: "You are crying so sadly, you seem to be sad about something, right? The woman said, "Yes, my father-in-law was bitten to death by a tiger before, then my husband was bitten to death by a tiger, and now my son has also been bitten to death by a tiger!" Confucius asked: "Then why don't you leave here?" The woman replied: "There are no harsh and heavy taxes (here)." Confucius said: "Students, remember, harsh and heavy taxes are more ferocious and terrifying than tigers!" ”

Two things:

Original text: There was a great hunger in the Qi Dynasty. Qian Ao placed food on the road, waiting for hungry people to eat. If there were hungry people, they would gather their clothes and trade with them. However, when Qian Ao came, he was holding food on his left and drinking on his right, saying: "Hey! Come and eat! He raised his eyes and looked at it, saying: "I only don't eat the food that comes with a sigh, so that's what happened!" "So he thanked Yan, and finally died without eating. Zengzi heard about it and said, "Weiyu! When it sighs, it can be gone; when it thanks, it can be eaten.

Translation: There is a serious famine in Qi. Qian Ao prepared meals on the roadside for the hungry people passing by. A hungry man walked towards the place, covered his face with the sleeve, his feet shuffling, his eyes dull and lively.

Qian Ao held food in his left hand and soup in his right hand, and said: "Hey! Come and eat!" The hungry man looked up at him and said, "Because I don't eat the food given by others, That’s why we ended up in this situation!

Qian Ao caught up with him and apologized, but he still refused to eat and eventually died of hunger. When Qian Ao calls rudely, of course he can refuse, but after he apologizes, he can go and eat.