Since meeting Yin He that day, Yu Zi has been fascinated by it, and he often wanders around the lake, hoping to see Yin He again. Many things happen, and finally I met her on a rainy day. She still quietly forgot to go to the lake. When bidding farewell to Yin He, Yu Zi was a little excited. Yu Zi tidied up her clothes, stepped forward and said, "Miss Yinhe, do you remember the next time? We met once. " "Oh, it's Yu Zi's son. I heard that there are countless places to swim in Song Cheng, such as Green Bamboo Garden and Green Lotus Garden. I wonder if I can go and have a look with you? " Yin He said. Yu Zi naturally accepted it happily, but said that the two of them left with a smile. Along the way, they visited parks, enjoyed lakes, mountains and played with water, and the tourists were very busy. I don't know when, or naturally, their hands are together and their hearts are closer. Seen from a distance, they are really a pair of golden couple, a fairy couple.
After this trip, Yuzi had frequent contact with Yin He and often invited them, either under the broken bridge, on a cruise ship or in the corner of the city. Another year passed, and it was the winter solar term, with heavy snow and boundless heaven and earth. When they came to the lake, Yu Zi was very happy to see the snow in her heart. She couldn't help singing casually: "What is snow like? It is impossible to imitate the difference in the air with salt. " She said to the lotus, "If the catkins were not due to the wind." "Wonderful, really wonderful." Snowflakes are spreading. Soon, their heads are covered with snow, and they smile at each other. Time will freeze at this moment, and the fire of love is spreading, burning this talented person and beautiful woman. In this world of ice and snow, two people snuggle up to each other and hug each other tightly, promising each other that "there are no ridges in the mountains, no graves in the mountains, endless rivers, Lei Zhen in winter, rain and snow in summer, and heaven and earth are one, but dare to be with you!" .
As the days go by, the sweetness of love makes the dull life full of happiness and joy. Until that day, he appeared ... Yu Zi met his friends and came to Yuefengting in Liu Yong to write poems. "On the bank of the willow, wherever there is a well to drink, you can sing Liu Ci." Yuzi and his friends sang Liu Yong's Eight Sounds of Ganzhou to each other. They are singing "if you miss a beautiful woman, you will expect it." If you miss it a few times, the sky will be yours. " Suddenly, a familiar figure passed by. That's Yin He, but there is another person beside her. This man is eight feet tall and commanding, with a sword around his waist, clothes and accessories are regarded as the best, either rich or expensive. Yu Zi rubbed his eyes, some unbelievable ...? At that time, the songs were boring, so I made an excuse at random and went home alone.
Yu Zi found Yin He and asked, "Which childe is good and handsome, and what does it have to do with him?" Yin He cried for a while. It turned out that the man was the son of Song Cheng County Magistrate, and because he was as beautiful as a flower, he coveted possession. Send someone to inquire about the investigation, and then bring enough gold and silver dowry to propose marriage. After the words, Yin He's parents knew that they were the sons of the county magistrate, and naturally they readily agreed, but Yin He didn't like it and didn't agree to this marriage anyway. How could she be allowed by the words of her parents' life matchmaker? Even if you are helpless, there is nothing you can do. They have chosen an auspicious day, and they are going to get married at home in seven days. That day they went to the Yue Feng Pavilion in Liu Yong. ? Yin He has told Yu Zi the whole story of the incident. When Yu Zi knew what he really wanted, he fell into great pain and sorrow. Since ancient times, the people did not fight with the officials, which broke the heart of the son of the county magistrate. It's not as difficult as going to heaven. Two people crying. After discussion, they decided to fly out of Song Cheng North Gate five days later, and everything was planned properly.
Five days later, Yu Zi got the gold and silver ready to wait at the appointed place, and waited all night. When she arrived in Yin Shi, she didn't wait for the Milky Way, and it was getting brighter and brighter.
Yin He handed me a letter. It turned out that Yin He's parents had already seen the clue and put Yin He under house arrest in the boudoir, and were not allowed to step out of the door. Yu Zi wrote back: "I have my own help at noon tonight."
Yuzi has an old friend. They are good friends. This man's name is Bai Feng, and he is skilled in martial arts. Yuzi and Bai Feng told the story and asked Bai Feng for help. The two of them discussed it and made a plan. At midnight, when the moonlight breezes, Bai Feng sneaked into Yin He's house, climbed over the fence, knocked out the guards' servants, and used the prepared fast to escape with Yin He.
It's curfew time and the city gate is closed. How can we get out of town? If I want to leave tomorrow after tonight, Bai Feng said, "What's the difficulty?" I saw Bai Feng jump directly onto the wall, landing like a dragonfly, without a sound. She went around behind the guard soldier, and with a wave of her hand, the soldier fainted. Solved these eyesore eyes and ears, opened the door and said goodbye to them. Yu Zi Yin He walked to the north gate. ...
I don't need to elaborate on wandering all the way. I rushed to Zhao Yan, found a place near the mountains and rivers, and settled down temporarily. Drinking every day is good for poetry, and sometimes I dance with my heart. Being together is a pleasure. My daughter is gone, how can I continue? While studying hard, Yu Zi sold some calligraphy and paintings to support her family, and Yin He also did some needlework, so she was poor. After the New Year, Yu Zi lived up to the hardships of studying hard at a cold window and became a top student in high school. He left with Yin He to enjoy the splendor.