After someone died, Confucius cried out sadly, "Oh, God is mourning me, God is mourning me."

When Yan Yuan died, Confucius cried out sadly, "Oh, God is mourning me, God is mourning me."

When Yan Yuan died, Confucius said: "Ah! God is sad! God is sad! ”


Ah: the sound of pain. God mourns me, and there is no way of mourning, as if God had already mourned.

Vernacular translation

When Yan Yuan died, Confucius said: "Oh my God! God has mourned me, God has mourned me. "

〖continued Diao〗

Another translation:

When Yan Yuan died, Confucius said: "Oh! God wants my life! God wants my life! ”

Confucius regarded Yan Yuan as his best successor, and his love for Yan Yuan is revealed everywhere in the Analects. He had three thousand disciples, and only this one could get his true inheritance.

Imagine At the beginning, Confucius also compared himself to the great sages who preached to the world after King Wen of Zhou. When he was trapped in Kuangdi and his life was threatened, he said: "If King Wen is gone, then Wen is not here!" Heaven will mourn Siwen, and the deceased will not be able to compare with Siwen. Heaven has not lost its gentleness, how can Kuang people behave like this! "At this time, Confucius was confident and full of fighting spirit. My mission is given to me by heaven. How can a young person stand up to me?

However, Yan Yuan's early death was a great blow to Confucius. A heavy blow. At this time, Confucius was already a seventy-one-year-old man, but he began to experience the white-haired man sending the white-haired man (Yan Yuan was originally a black-haired man), and his most beloved disciple left like this. I, and just a year ago, my biological son Kong Li passed away. Confucius also had the emotions of mortals, and even Confucius had richer emotions than us. Confucius or the Confucian family was a family of artists. To get started, you must first learn poetry, and poetry can. Confucius said: "If you don't learn poetry, you can't express it." The most regrettable thing today is that poetry can be sung. We should all have such an impression, and people who engage in art are generally more emotional. For Confucian masters and disciples, the first step is art.

Confucius cried at Yan Yuan just as I imagined today, "Oh my God, it's going to kill me!"