Jiangshan has talents; The river flows away in spring; Jiang Feng fishing and sleeping; The river flows around Fangdian; Whoever sees the moon at the first sight by the river will shine at the starting point of the river; The river beach falls on the moon and returns to the west; Jiangshan is still cold; The river winds through the wilderness;
Flowers from Shui Piao to water; A pot of wine from the flowers; I wonder how many flowers have been broken; The legs are red and the apricots are small; Flowers are cold and lazy, birds are singing; Bloom can be folded straight;
Frosty night; At the new moon, I was accompanied by a sick man; Moonlight shines on clothes like water; The moon sinks in summer; The moon is full of surprises; Willow tips on the moon;
But now I remember that night, that storm; However, she bravely faced the cold moonlight with her evening songs; There is no trace of Ma Si at night;