From the east to the sea, when will the rivers return to the west? If a young man does not work hard, the old man will be miserable. (Han Yuefu "Long Song Xing") To learn a hundred things, one must first make a determination. (Zhu Xi) The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. The pen falls in the storm, and the poem becomes weeping ghosts and gods. (Du Fu) If you don't care about Fengya, I will be your teacher. (Du Fu) Be broad-minded and appreciative, accumulate thickly but thinly. (Su Shi) Learn it eruditely, interrogate it, think carefully, discern it clearly, and practice it diligently. ("Book of Rites") If you don't climb a high mountain, you don't know how high the sky is; if you don't go to a deep stream, you don't know how thick the earth is. ("Xunzi") Advise people to cherish their time. Black-haired people don't study diligently early, and white heads regret studying late. It's easy for young people to learn and hard to succeed when they are old. An inch of time should not be taken lightly. An inch of time is an inch of gold. It's hard to buy money. It's hard to buy time. If a young man doesn't work hard, the old man will be sad. Warning people to be honest 1. Those who are not strong in ambition are not wise, and those who do not believe in their words will not achieve results. --Mo Zhai, a thinker of the Warring States Period 2. Correspondence between internal and external affairs, words and deeds. --Han Fei, philosopher and educator of the Warring States Period 3. Goodness cannot come from outside, and the name cannot be made in vain. -- Qu Yuan, a poet of the Warring States Period 4. The true is the most sincere. Without sincerity, it cannot move people. --Zhuang Zhou, philosopher of the Warring States Period 5. If a person breaks his trust, his reputation will be ruined. --Liu Xiang, a Confucian scholar of the Han Dynasty 6. Hypocrisy cannot last long, emptiness cannot last long, rotten wood cannot be carved, and love cannot last long. -- Han Ying, poetry critic of the Han Dynasty 7. If you accept someone with faith, the world will trust you; if you don't accept someone with faith, your wife will be suspicious of you. --Chang Quan, a hermit of the Jin Dynasty 8. Without loyalty, one cannot stand in the world.
--Cheng Yi, philosopher of Song Dynasty