2. When Zhao was about to leave for Yan, Su said to him, "Today, I passed by Yishui and saw a mussel emerging to bask in the sun. A snipe came to peck at its meat, and the mussels immediately closed and clamped the snipe's mouth. The snipe said, "If it doesn't rain today and tomorrow, we will die of thirst." The mussel also said to the snipe,' If you don't take your mouth off today, you will starve to death tomorrow. Neither of them would give up on the other, so a fisherman caught them both together. Now Zhao is going to attack Yan. If Yanzhao is at loggerheads for a long time, the people will be miserable. I'm worried that the powerful Qin will become a fisherman for nothing. So I hope your majesty will seriously consider sending troops. Zoe Wen Dao: "All right." So he stopped sending troops to attack Yan.
3. Moral: The snipe and the clam compete, telling the story that the snipe and the clam compete and the fisherman gains. It warns people to weigh the gains and losses, not just to think about their own benefits, to make concessions to each other, to take a step back, and to blindly praise each other is often to take care of one thing and let others take advantage. Be a man, learn to be patient, otherwise both sides will benefit only the third party.