In ancient times, the rebellious strongmen stood on the commanding heights of morality. There is nothing a bad king can do. We will do justice for heaven. If we want to win over, it is the traitor who is in power, and we will stand on the king's side. Of course, woo's ending is not good either. He either drank poisoned wine or hanged himself, and the border was unclear and the border was clear.
Therefore, it is very important to set an example first. Kings and princes, would you rather have seeds? He can take his place, and a gentleman should be at home. None of the people who said this is a scholar. Scholars have been brainwashed. Where are the gifts? Where is loyalty? Isn't it good to be the second child? How nice it is to be a herder on behalf of the emperor. Be bold and rule the world with the king.
So the scholar rebelled and failed for ten years. Not to mention ten years, a hundred years, and so on, this can't be done. The most ambitious people will invest in the account of a leading brother, make suggestions, and become heroes from the dragon and continue to be the second child.
Scholars, because they have developed their brains and accumulated knowledge, are mostly upper-class people and dominate the fairness and justice of society. If they deviate from the track of public interests and plunge into selfish desires, then the values of this society will corrode from top to bottom like a trapezoid, and finally corrode to the bottom, and the world will fall into darkness.
Dog butchers are not all good people. Dog butchers are people from the bottom of society. They have no education or schooling, and they specialize in killing animals for a living. These people are generally from poor families, so they have great empathy for some poor and helpless people, and their temper and personality are generally straightforward. They say whatever they want, they have no patience and no plan.
Usually, if something he doesn't like is unfair, he will stand up and resist. However, not every dog butcher is a good man with a sense of justice. It depends on whether the dog butcher is kind in nature. For example, Li Kui jy, the black whirlwind in Water Margin, is definitely not a good person, and even innocent children are cut in two by him.