first, take a look at the famous saying under the glass plate of my desk: "The deceased is like a husband, and he doesn't give up day and night." This is a sentence in the Analects of Confucius, which tells me that time keeps passing and never returns, and we must cherish time. Cherishing time means cherishing today and cherishing the present; "Tomorrow is tomorrow, how many tomorrows there are. I will live tomorrow and everything will be wasted." Hold fast to the present and don't let time pass by.
I know the value of time, so I practice it, and I don't procrastinate or relax. Pu Songling, a writer of Qing Dynasty in China, lost his reputation in Sun Shan for many scientific examinations. Later, he concentrated on his creation. In order to motivate himself, he carved a couplet on the copper ruler: "Where there is a will, there is a way to cross the rubicon." Hard-working people can swallow Wu with three thousand more armour. " Pu Songling used the historical story of Xiang Yu's cross the rubicon to break the Qin army, and Gou Jian's hard work finally wiped out the state of Yue to motivate himself to bury himself in writing a book. Because he never slacked off, he finally created a masterpiece "Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio". Pu Songling's story inspired me greatly, and I made up my mind to work hard and strive for success. When people do things, they are enthusiastic and full of energy at first, but they are often anticlimactic and can't stick to it and end it successfully. This is the truth that "the decadent has no beginning, and the fresh has an end". This famous saying always urges me not to be afraid of difficulties, but to stick to it.
Books give me strength, teach me how to do things, and teach me how to be a man. Li Bai's poem "I am born to be useful" made me understand: if people want to make a difference, they can make a difference; The stories of Sun Bin's revision of the art of war and Sima Qian's writing of Historical Records tell me that a man should respect himself and love himself, strive for the upper reaches and not be left behind. Only in this way can we turn decay into magic and shame into glory; Qi Huangong reused Guan Zhong, who used to be his opponent, and told me to be tolerant and generous to people, and what is more needed is understanding and trust; The paradigm of Imperial College in the Eastern Han Dynasty traveled thousands of miles to visit friends. It told me that "words must be kept and deeds must be carried out."
Celebrities give me strength, famous sayings accompany me to grow up, and all the experience and wisdom accumulated by human beings are waiting for us on the other side of knowledge, waiting for us to collect and absorb. And the ship that reaches the other shore is reading. It is beneficial to open books, so that these famous sayings can serve as lighthouses in our hearts, navigate the boat of life, and let us brave the difficulties in the waves of life and sail to the other side of the ideal.