On June 17, the seventh year of Kangxi, a great earthquake occurred. Yu (:In Linzi, the famous Jixia Xuegong was located in the Spring and Autumn Period. Fang and his cousin Li drank a candle wine. Suddenly I heard thunder, coming from the southeast and heading northwest. Many people are horrified and don't understand why. In Russia, several boxes were rickety and the glass was knocked over; The beams and rafters are staggered. Take care of each other. After a long time, we know that earthquakes and diseases often appear. Look at pavilions, servants rise again; The sound of walls falling down and houses falling down, and the voice of children chanting women's names are as loud as boiling. People are dizzy and can't stand up, sitting on the ground and sideways. The river overflowed and ducks barked and dogs barked all over the city. It will be decided after a while. Depending on the street, men and women get together naked, competing to tell each other and forgetting that they are naked. I heard that a well is inclined, so don't draw it. A building can easily move from north to south; Qixia mountain crack; A water cave, a few acres wide.
This is really weird. There are men and women in the city who drown at night, and the wolf holds the child, and the woman is anxious to compete with the wolf. The wolf's cheeks were relieved, and the woman carried the child out on her back. Wolves can't squat The woman is tuba, the neighbors are scrambling to gather, and the wolf is gone. The woman was stunned, pointing to the sky and drawing the ground, saying that the wolf bit the child and took the child away. For a long time, I suddenly realized that I didn't run an inch. This is the same as men and women who forget each other during the earthquake. It's ridiculous that people are in a hurry and have no plans!