"The Book of Songs·Guofeng·Zheng Feng-The woman said the cock crows"
The woman said the cock crows, and the scholar said the cockcrow. Zixing looks at the night, and the stars sometimes die. The general will soar and fly, the duck and the wild goose. Yi Yan added it and agreed with Zi. It is better to drink wine and grow old together with your son. With the harp and harp at your disposal, it’s best to be quiet. When a wise son comes, give him a miscellaneous piece of clothing as a gift. If you know your son, please obey him, and ask him about it. If you know your son is kind to you, you should repay him with miscellaneous gifts.
Vernacular translation:
The woman said that the rooster has crowed, while the man said that it is not yet clear. Get up quickly and look at the sky, the morning stars are shining brightly. The birds are flying in the sky, shoot some ducks and geese for you to taste. Shoot ducks and geese and take them home to make delicious dishes. If you drink wine with delicious food, your loving life will last for hundreds of years. You play the harp and I play the harp, and the husband and wife are at ease and happy. I know you really care about me, so I give you a miscellaneous necklace to show my love. I know how gentle you are to me, so I give you a miscellaneous pendant to express my love. I know that you have deep affection for me, so I give you a miscellaneous pendant to show my heart.
"Guo Feng" is a folk song of the Zhou Dynasty collected in the "Book of Songs", the first collection of poems in the history of Chinese literature. It includes folk songs from about fifteen vassal states from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period. The folk songs of the Zhou Dynasty in the "national style" reflect the real life of the working people with colorful pictures, express their injustice against the exploited and oppressed situation and their belief in striving for a better life. They are the source of our country's realist poetry. . "National Style" uses simple language to describe things, and uses simple life paintings to reflect the realist creative method of social reality. It is well reflected in "National Style" and has become its significant artistic feature.