With the worldwide popularity of the TV series The Maid's Story, the world of maids has become a phrase in English, which refers to the situation of forcibly controlling women's reproductive freedom. The plot is set in the male totalitarian society of the future world, and fertile women become the unified management resources of the country. In TV series, women lose control of their bodies and reproductive rights and become reproductive machines, which makes women shudder more than the invasion of three women. "Normal is something that is used to nature." "If you feel abnormal, you are not used to it. But it will be much easier for your next generation. They are willing to shoulder their responsibilities. Because they don't want what they can't get. " As a mother of a woman and a girl, whenever I see this scene, I can't help but worry: women's reproductive freedom is defended today, will it be deprived tomorrow? How to assure future generations that "this will not happen"? To solve this problem? It is necessary to delimit the reproductive rights into the private domain of individuals and give them full protection, and clarify what is the "bottom line"-under the protection of the Constitution, the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, the Law on the Protection of Minors and other laws, women can freely choose to have children or not in a safe and relaxed environment, and this is the bottom line. The duty of the state should be to provide all facilities and resources for women; If it is not a serious threat to the survival of the people, it should not interfere with the fertility will. After abstraction, now we need to face a specific problem.
Will the loosening of fertility and marriage in the Measures become a war for women? A realistic worry is that out-of-wedlock births and out-of-wedlock births may destroy the existing marriage and family system, leading to the strong reaping for the weak. Obviously, the decoupling between fertility and marriage will be welcomed by some young women. Some of them, like Asura, have strong natures. They can have children for themselves without getting married, and the reproductive rights of single women have been safeguarded. But don't forget another part of women. In contrast, they may have low academic qualifications, low aspirations, insufficient talent and low income. When their marriage collapsed, they lost their fertility, and men's economic focus turned to the third party outside the marriage and their children, they found that the land under their feet had already collapsed. So gender equality and reproductive freedom will eventually become a war between women? This is certainly not what we want to see.