The sixth day of the second lunar month is the birthday of the immortal emperor Donghua. Sacrifice, it is said that in the folk, people will prepare incense in advance, and wait until the sixth day of February, when the sky is a little brighter, facing the east, to welcome Emperor Donghua and congratulate him on his birthday. Usually, the left hand holds seven incense sticks and the right hand holds eight incense sticks, which are lit for offering.
Donghua Emperor generally refers to Donghua. Donghua is the hero of Qi Tang Sansheng III's second novel "A Pillow Written by Sansheng III". Hua Ze, born in the blue sea and green spirit, in the east of the wilderness, simply took two words, and the title of the film was Donghua. Born in ancient times, he was the god of ancient times and lived in the pure land of Bodhi in Sanqing Dreamland for hundreds of thousands of years. Donghua Emperor, the full name of Donghua Zifu Shaoyang Emperor, also has many titles, such as Fusang Emperor, East Emperor Taiyi, East Emperor, East Wang Gong and so on.