Or: "Heaven has no relatives, but is with good people." If Boyi and Shu Qi are good people, aren't they evil? Ji Renjie star starved to death because of this! Like seventy children, Zhong Ni recommended Yan Yuan as a studious person. However, the reward is empty, the dross is not tired, and the flea is dead. What is God's reward for doing good? Stealing the soles of your feet, killing koo, killing your flesh and blood and liver, being violent and willful, gathering thousands of miles, running across the world, and dying unsatisfied. Is it to follow He Dezai? This is particularly obvious. In modern times, if you misbehave and violate taboos, you will enjoy happiness and wealth all your life. Or choose the right place to do it, and then say it out loud when things happen. There are countless people who are not angry because of improper behavior and injustice. I'm confused. What is the so-called heaven, evil or not?
See historical records. Boyichuan
The general idea is that Boyi, Shu Qi and Yan Hui flew, but they were poor and died young; Stealing chickens and not eating rice.