I send a message to the windy sun in Luocheng, and the beauty of spring will return to the people next year; the solemn tidbits are late, and the reds are light. The day is long, the male bird is alone, the spring is far away, and the bush and thorn trees are alone; in February and March of Xianyang, the palace willows have golden branches.
The poet's clear scene is in the New Year, when the green willows are only half yellow; in February, the lake water is clear, and every spring bird sings; the forest flowers are wet with swift branches, and the waterlilies are carried by the wind and grow green.
Sometimes it rains at three or two o'clock, and there are ten and five branches of flowers everywhere; jasper is made up to a tree height, and thousands of green silk ribbons hang down; the spring city is full of color and slightly cold
The green fields in the late spring Beautiful, the rocks are high in Baiyun Village; the flowers on the fragrant trees fall without people, and birds are chirping along the spring mountain; the spring water of the Yangtze River is dyed green, and the lotus leaves are as big as money.