1, Confucius sighed and said that the people benefited from it. This poem comes from Cao Cao's Short Songs, which means that everything Confucius said was called Qi Huangong, Guan Zhong and others, and the people benefited.
2, there is no Confucius in the world for a long time, which means painting by oneself. This poem comes from Ceng Gong's Reading, which means that there is no such person as Confucius in the world for a long time, and reading and learning have their own laws and methods.
Confucius' works are all over the world, and Confucius' teachings are all over the world. This poem comes from a seven-character quatrain "Answer Boyong" written by Feng Jing, a poet in the Song Dynasty, which means that Confucius' articles are famous all over the world, and Confucius' way of dealing with people is also all over the world.
4, the mountain is rising, and the scenery is stopping. This poem comes from Sima Qian's Historical Records Confucius Family and is used to praise Confucius. It means that Confucius' noble character is admired like a lofty mountain, and his bright words and deeds are like a road to follow.
5. Confucius hymn, learning is Zou Meng. This poem comes from Zhu Chen's Er Yun Dai Cheng Shu, which means that Confucius' poems can have Zou Meng's achievements if they are good at learning and absorbing.
Baidu encyclopedia-short song line
Baidu encyclopedia-reading
Baidu Encyclopedia-Answer for Bo Yong
Baidu Encyclopedia-the mountain rises and the scenery stops.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Second Rhyme Dai Chengshu