The famous economist Li Yining told an interesting story. The general idea was that a company that produced combs went to a temple to sell combs. The first salesman came back without success, saying that monks didn’t even use combs. The second salesman sold 10 combs. He told the monk that combs were not only used to comb hair, but could also strengthen the brain, improve eyesight, activate blood circulation, massage, and refresh the mind. The third salesman sold hundreds of combs. He found that many people burning incense in the temple had their hair messed up when worshiping Buddha, so he sold the combs to these people. The fourth salesman sold thousands of combs. He went directly to the abbot and persuaded the abbot to buy these combs because the temple could engrave verses on both sides of the combs as gifts for those who burned incense and worshiped Buddha.