I am very happy to answer your question. People who are born blind do not know the sun, and those who ask if it has eyes may tell them: "The shape of the sun is like a copper plate." You can get the sound by pressing the plate, and the other day. When someone hears a bell, he thinks of it as the sun. Or he may tell someone: "The light of the sun is like a candle." He can feel its shape by looking at the candle, and when he sees the sun, he thinks of it as the sun. The sun is far away from the bell and the robe, and the person who is looking at it doesn't know it. The difference is that people seek for it before they have seen it. The difficulty of seeing the Tao is even greater than that of the sun, and the fact that people have not yet attained it is no different from being blind. Those who have attained it will tell you that even if there are clever examples and good guidance, they cannot be too careful. It's like a candle. How can it be that the bell comes from the plate, the beak comes from the candle, and turns to look at it? Those who talk about the Tao in the old world either name it based on what they see, or they don't see it and mean it. It is wrong to seek the Tao. But Taoists cannot seek the Tao? Su Zi said: The Tao can be achieved but cannot be sought. What does it mean to achieve? Sun Wu said: "Those who are good at fighting can lead to others, but not to others." Zixia said: "A hundred craftsmen live in four places. When things are done, a gentleman learns the way." Don't ask for anything but do it on your own. This is what you think you have done! There are many people in the south, and the sun lives with the water. A person can wade at the age of seven, float at the age of ten, and float at the age of fifteen. It can be gone. How can you be content with being lost? There will definitely be someone who finds the way to water. If you live with water for a day, you will find the way at the age of fifteen. If you are born without knowing water, even though you are strong, you will be afraid of boats when you see them. Therefore, the north A brave man who asks no one why he has disappeared will never drown in the river he talks about. Therefore, anyone who does not learn but pursues the Tao is a person from the north who has learned and lost.
In the past, scholars were selected based on the sound and rhythm, and the scholars were miscellaneous in learning but not committed to the Tao. Today, scholars are also selected based on the classics. The scholars know the Tao but do not study. Wu Junyan of Bohai Sea was interested in scholars, so Fang Qiu was promoted to the Ministry of Rites and wrote " "Riyu" to inform you.