"Lotus crown road flyover clothes, wait on the king's banquet. I don't know that people have left, and they compete for green and fly every year. Every time the Queen of Shu wrapped a small towel in the palace, she ordered prostitutes to put on clothes and lotus crowns, and looked for flowers and willows every day to serve banquets. I have heard the words of Shu, and it is sad that the Lord does not pay attention to them. "
During the period of Meng Chang, the ruler of Shu at the end of the Five Dynasties, court song and dance prostitutes wore cassock and "lotus crown" to serve the king every day. Later, the country was destroyed, and the geisha's dress and jealousy habits remained, and they fought for red and green every year.
People are not flowers, and youth is fleeting. The poor ladies in the "Lotus Crown Taoist Dress" compete for red and green every year!
Obviously, the painter borrowed it from Meng Changjun.
This fable expresses feelings for historical figures.