You said you had no clothes? Robe with my son. Wang Yuxing, fix my spear. Hatred with my son! Have I nothing to wear? Take your son. Wang Yu started the division and repaired my spear and halberd Work with your son! Have I nothing to wear? Take your son. Wang Yu started his division and trained our soldiers. Go with your son!
2. The whole poem expresses Qin Jun's high fighting spirit and optimistic spirit of unity and mutual assistance between the army and the people to resist foreign aggression. Its unique and vigorous style reflects the patriotic spirit of Qin people.
The Book of Songs is the earliest collection of poems and the beginning of China's ancient poems. Collected poems from the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (pre-1 1 century to the 6th century), with a total of * * * 31/,among which 6 poems are full, that is, there are only titles but no contents, which is called full poems.