When traveling down the Shu Road to Xiangzhu, the passenger sails should not be lost. The river divides into the Three Gorges, and the mountains merge into the Jiuhua River. In autumn, wild geese first stay, and at night, the singing ape first crows. Be careful with your luggage when you return and don't go to the west of Shicheng. --Du Mu "I heard that Fan Xiucai traveled from Shu to the rivers and lakes"
The Three Gorges of Badong are gone, and Jiujiang is open to the horizon. Chu Saiyun came out, and Jingmen water came up. Fish and dragons lurk in the rain, and geese move like thunder. The autumn breeze in the South is late, and the guests' thoughts are leisurely. -- Hu Hao's "Out of the Gorge"
Four thousand miles by land and water, when will he return to Qin? The boat says goodbye to the rain in the Three Gorges, and the horse enters the dust in Jiuqu. There is wine to keep travelers, but there is no book to send to noble people. Fortunately, Qujiangchun was able to rely on distant messages. ——Bai Juyi's "Seeing Off Guests Returning to Beijing"
The blue sky lies between Wushan Mountain and the flowing water. The water in Ba can suddenly be exhausted, and the blue sky will never arrive. Three mornings are bullish, three twilights are too late. Three mornings and three evenings passed, and my temples became silky. ——Li Bai's "Up the Three Gorges"
Four thousand miles by land and water, when will we return to Qin? The boat says goodbye to the rain in the Three Gorges, and the horse enters the dust in Jiuqu. There is wine to keep travelers, but there is no book to send to noble people. Fortunately, Qujiangchun was able to rely on distant messages. ——Bai Juyi's "Seeing Off Guests Returning to Beijing"
The cool breeze moves thousands of miles, and the bandits are still everywhere. The book is passed down from far away from home, and the autumn comes as a guest. Worried about watching a tall bird pass by, I always follow the crowd. I first wanted to go to the Three Gorges, but why did I see the two capitals? ——Du Fu's "Sad Autumn"
Emei is high and thousands of battles are high, and Kui Wu locks the west wind. The river flow cannot be stopped, and all the water flows toward the east. ——Chen Yi's "Ode to the Three Gorges")
The white emperor's speech among the colorful clouds, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are returned in one day. The apes on both sides of the bank can't stop crying, and the boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains. ——Li Bai's "Early Departure from Baidi City"
The gorges on Bashan Mountain are repeated, and the balcony is steep with twelve peaks. King Jing was caught in the evening rain when he was hunting, and he lay on a high hill at night dreaming of the goddess. The light red smoke wets the beauty, and the stars fly away in the clouds. My eyes were so broken that I couldn't see. The ape cried three times and his clothes were stained with tears. ——Meng Jiao's "Second Poems of High School in Wushan"
Hang the cold sail to Jinchuan again, and spend the remaining years in the Mulan boat. Self-repair the things in the furnace, intending to make a floating fairy on the water. The waves in the Three Gorges are noisy on a bright moonlit night, and Wanzhou Mountain reaches sunset. In the coming year, there will be a letter from Jingnan, and the reply should be sealed on ten-color paper.
——Qi Ji's "Sending the King and the Scholar on a Tour to Shu"