Who knows the composing process of amazing grace?

A Brief Introduction to the Creation of amazing grace

Amazing grace is a hymn written in18th century. The lyrics were written by John Newton, an American white man born in London in 1725. The lyrics are concise, full of confessions of piety and gratitude, and they are also the testimony of his life. John Newton was the leader of a black slave who committed various crimes, but later he was exiled to Africa. In a stormy sea, he was saved by God, so he decided to repent thoroughly and devoted his life to spreading the gospel of God, becoming a great preacher in the19th century. Before he died, he wrote an epitaph for himself: "Pastor John Newton was once a man who had committed a crime and didn't believe in God. He used to be a slave in Africa. But through the abundant mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ, he was kept, reconciled with God, forgiven his sins, and was appointed to preach the gospel. " This poem bears witness to his life's salvation. This song is full of his remorse for the past slave trade and gratitude to God. Nevertheless, God still bless him.

Lyrics: John Newton

Composers: James P. Karel, David S. Clayton

Adapted by Edwin exel

This touching "amazing grace" is actually a hymn, which has been covered by many versions by western singers. In this audio, the soundtrack of waves and dolphins expresses the awe-inspiring atmosphere of the original song. Grace originally meant "grace and grace", and here it is interpreted as "God's mercy and grace to mankind".