What does it mean to die for your country?

Yan Zi stood outside Cui Shi. The man said, "Death?" Yue: "If a person is fine, I will die?" Say, "okay?" Yue: "I am guilty, am I dead?" Say, "What?" Yue: "You come back safely when you die? Who is the monarch, who is a citizen, how can it be a mausoleum, how can it be a citizen? The country is the Lord. Is it true that I am the monarch? The state has to support it. Therefore, if you die for your country, you will die; If you die for your country, you will die. Die for yourself, die for yourself, who dares to let go I have a monarch. How can I die if I kill him? How could you die? Where will Yong go? " The door opened and I cried with the body in my arms. Xing, three come out. People called Cui Zi: "It must be killed." Cui Zi said, "The hope of the people is also the hope of the people." Commentary: Standing outside Cui's house. The courtiers around Yan Zi said, "Are you going to die?" (Yan Zi) said: "Is (the king) just my own monarch? Why should I die? " Say, "Go (leave Qi)?" (Yan Zi) said, "What is my sin? Why should I run away? " Say, "Go home?" (Yan Zi) said, "Where will the monarch go after his death? The monarch is the monarch of the people. Is the monarch above the people? The monarch's duty is to manage the country. Are the monarch's servants for the salary? The duty of courtiers is to defend the country. Therefore, if a monarch dies for his country, he should die with it, and if he dies, he should flee with it. If he died for himself and fled for himself, not for his bosom friend, who will bear the responsibility? Besides, someone else set up a monarch and tried to kill him. How can I die with him and run away with him? Where will I go back? " The door (of Dr. Cui's house) opened, (Yan Zi) went in, (Yan Zi) put the body (of the king) on his lap and cried, (after crying) stood up and stomped away again and again. Others say that you must kill Mr Cui (Yan Zi). Mr. Cui said: "(He) is the expectation of the people, and he has won the hearts of the people."

Yan Zi stood outside Cui Shi. The man said, "Death?" Yue: "If a person is fine, I will die?" Say, "okay?" Yue: "I am guilty, am I dead?" Say, "What?" Yue: "You come back safely when you die? Who is the monarch, who is a citizen, how can it be a mausoleum, how can it be a citizen? The country is the Lord. Is it true that I am the monarch? The state has to support it. Therefore, if you die for your country, you will die; If you die for your country, you will die. Die for yourself, die for yourself, who dares to let go I have a monarch. How can I die if I kill him? How could you die? Where will Yong go? " The door opened and I cried with the body in my arms. Xing, three come out. People called Cui Zi: "It must be killed." Cui Zi said, "The hope of the people is also the hope of the people." Commentary: Standing outside Cui's house. The courtiers around Yan Zi said, "Are you going to die?" (Yan Zi) said: "Is (the king) just my own monarch? Why should I die? " Say, "Go (leave Qi)?" (Yan Zi) said, "What is my sin? Why should I run away? " Say, "Go home?" (Yan Zi) said, "Where will the monarch go after his death? The monarch is the monarch of the people. Is the monarch above the people? The monarch's duty is to manage the country. Are the monarch's servants for the salary? The duty of courtiers is to defend the country. Therefore, if a monarch dies for his country, he should die with it, and if he dies, he should flee with it. If he died for himself and fled for himself, not for his bosom friend, who will bear the responsibility? Besides, someone else set up a monarch and tried to kill him. How can I die with him and run away with him? Where will I go back? " The door (of Dr. Cui's house) opened, (Yan Zi) went in, (Yan Zi) put the body (of the king) on his lap and cried, (after crying) stood up and stomped away again and again. Others say that you must kill Mr Cui (Yan Zi). Mr. Cui said: "(He) is the expectation of the people, and he has won the hearts of the people." The title of the poem: The prince can't die. Real name: Zuo Qiuming. Time: Pre-Qin. Birthplace: Junzhuang, Ludu City (now Feicheng, Shandong Province). His main works include: Debate on Cao Gui, Candle Farewell to Qin, Zheng Boke's trip to Yan/many wrongdoings will lead to his own death, Zhou Zheng's oath, Zhou Xu, etc. Main achievements: He wrote the chronological history book Zuo Zhuan and the first national history book Guoyu in China. Faith: Confucianism.

We will give you a detailed introduction to Die for Our Country from the following aspects:

First of all, Yan Zi's immortal full text is difficult. Click here to see the details of Yan Zi's immortality.

Cui Wuzi saw that Tang Jiang was beautiful and accepted it.

Communicate with the public. Cui Zi killed it.

Yan Zi stood outside Cui Shi. The man said:

"Dead?" Yue:

"I'm lonely, I'm dead?

"Yue:" Is that all right?

"yue:" my sin is also.

Am I dead? "yue:

"Return?" Yue:

"You're dead, also come back?

Who is the monarch, who is a citizen, how can it be a mausoleum, how can it be a citizen?

The country is the Lord. Minister,

Is that an excuse? The state has to support it.

Therefore, if you die for your country, you will die;

If you die for your country, you will die.

If you die for yourself, die for yourself,

Unless it is private, who dares to let it go?

I have a monarch. How can I die if I kill him?

How could you die? Where will you go back?

"The door opened, and the pillow resin shares to cry.

Xing, three come out.

People called Cui Zi: "He must be killed.

Cui Zi said, "So do the people's hopes.

Give up and get the people.

Second, Zuo Qiuming's other poems

Controversy, Uncle Jian cried for the teacher, the candle was defeated by Teacher Qin, and Zheng Boke was sworn to death in Yan/Duoxing. Three. translate

Cui Wuzi saw that Tang Jiang was beautiful and accepted it. Zhuang Gong knows everything. Cui Zi killed it.

Cui Wu fell in love with Tang's widow and married her. (King Qi) Zhuang Gong had an affair with her. Cui Wu killed him.

Yan Zi stood outside Cui Shi. The man said, "Death?" Yue: "If a person is fine, I will die?" Say, "okay?" Yue: "I am guilty, am I dead?" Say, "What?" Yue: "You come back safely when you die? Who is the monarch, who is a citizen, how can it be a mausoleum, how can it be a citizen? The country is the Lord. Is it true that I am the monarch? The state has to support it. Therefore, if you die for your country, you will die; If you die for your country, you will die. Die for yourself, die for yourself, who dares to let go I have a monarch. How can I die if I kill him? How could you die? Where will Yong go? " The door opened and I cried with the body in my arms. Xing, three come out. People called Cui Zi: "It must be killed." Cui Zi said, "The hope of the people is also the hope of the people."

Standing outside Cui's house. The courtiers around Yan Zi said, "Are you going to die?" (Yan Zi) said: "Is (the king) just my own monarch? Why should I die? " Say, "Go (leave Qi)?" (Yan Zi) said, "What is my sin? Why should I run away? " Say, "Go home?" (Yan Zi) said, "Where will the monarch go after his death? The monarch is the monarch of the people. Is the monarch above the people? The monarch's duty is to manage the country. Are the monarch's servants for the salary? The duty of courtiers is to defend the country. Therefore, if a monarch dies for his country, he should die with it, and if he dies, he should flee with it. If he died for himself and fled for himself, not for his bosom friend, who will bear the responsibility? Besides, someone else set up a monarch and tried to kill him. How can I die with him and run away with him? Where will I go back? " The door (of Dr. Cui's house) opened, (Yan Zi) went in, (Yan Zi) put the body (of the king) on his lap and cried, (after crying) stood up and stomped away again and again. Others say that you must kill Mr Cui (Yan Zi). Mr. Cui said: "(He) is the expectation of the people, and he has won the hearts of the people."

Four. notes

Cui Wuzi: Qi Qing, namely Cui Jue.

Tang Jiang: The wife of Tang Palace. Tang Gong is a doctor in Tangyi, Qi State.

Take: the same as "marriage". After the death of Tang Palace, Cui Yao went to mourn, met Tang and married her. Qi Zhuanggong.

Child: fornication

Killing: I kill the king, and the son kills the father.

Yan Zi: That is to say, Yan Ying's name is Zhong Ping, and he is a doctor of Qi. Shi Li Gong Ling, Zhuang Gong and Gong Jing III.

Courtiers around Yan Zi.

A person who acts as a monarch.

Reality: refers to salary. Close.

He Yong: That's him. Where is he?

G: stand up.

Sanyong: I danced three times to express my sadness.

Hope: to be respected.

Release, leniency.

Poetry of the same dynasty

In the Song Dynasty, Wei was adopted, and in the first month of the Spring King, the Song people made peace with the Chu people, and made miscellaneous appointments. In the Jin Dynasty, xia yang and Zheng Boke were destroyed, and they were familiar with each other. Naoko suspected their neighbors and bumped into each other, but they were sloppy.

Click here to see more details about Yan Zi's immortality.