Taishang said: There is no door to misfortune and happiness, only people call themselves. The report of good and evil is like a shadow. It is based on the fact that the god of heaven and earth has a division, according to the severity of the crime, to take people away. If you calculate the reduction, you will be poor, and you will encounter more worries. Everyone will be evil, and the punishment will follow. If you avoid it, you will die. There are also three gods of Beidou, who record people's sins on their heads and seize their records. There is also a three-corpse god. In human beings, every time they go to Gengshen Day, they will go to heaven and talk about people's sins. When the moon is dark, so is Kitchen God. Mortals have had it, and the big ones seize the discipline, while the small ones seize the calculation. There are hundreds of things, and those who want to live forever must avoid them first. If it is the Tao, it will advance, and if it is not the Tao, it will retreat. Don't follow evil path, don't cheat darkroom. Accumulate merit, be kind to things. Loyalty, filial piety, friendship, self-improvement, pity for the widowed, and still be old and pregnant. Insects and vegetation should not be hurt. It is advisable to sympathize with people's fierceness, enjoy people's kindness, help people's urgency, and save people's lives. What you see is what you get. Seeing people's mistakes is like their own. Don't show short, don't show off your strengths. Suppress evil and promote good, push more and take less. I'm flattered to be humiliated without complaining. Do not ask for favors, and do not regret with others. The so-called good man is respected by everyone and blessed by heaven, and fortune follows. All evils are far away, and the gods defend them, and what they do will be achieved, and the gods can hope for it.
if you want to be immortal, you should set up 1,3 good deeds, and if you want to be immortal, you should set up 3 good deeds, and act against reason. Take evil as energy and endure harm. A dirty thief is good, but he secretly insults his relatives. Slow down, sir, and betray what he has done. Slander the ignorance and slander the classmates. False false fraud, attacking relatives. Strong and heartless, ruthless for personal use. Right and wrong are improper, and it is appropriate to be obedient. Take advantage of abuse and flatter hope. I don't feel grateful, and I don't stop thinking about it. Despise the people of heaven and disturb the state affairs. Reward injustice, punishment and innocence. Killing people for money, dumping people for positions. Punish and punish, demote and rank the virtuous. Linggu forced widows, abandoned the law and accepted bribes. Take the straight as the curve and the curve as the straight. It's more important to be light, and to be angry when you see killing. If you don't change what you know, you won't do what you know is good. Self-incrimination leads to him, blocking the magic. Slander the sage and invade morality. Shoot and fly away, make a sting and frighten the habitat, fill the hole and cover the nest, hurt the fetus and break the egg. I hope that people will lose and ruin their success. If you are in danger, you will be safe. Exchange evil for good, and waste public with private. Stealing people's abilities hides their goodness. Form the ugliness of people, and deceive the privacy of others. Consume people's goods and wealth, leave people's flesh and blood. Invade people's love, help others do wrong, be arrogant and humiliate others to win. It's a loser, but it's a broken marriage. If you are rich and arrogant, if you avoid * * *, you will be pushed by gratitude. Fraudulent selling of evil. Buy a false reputation, and keep a dangerous heart. Defeat people's strengths and promote their own shortcomings. Take advantage of threats, kill and kill. Cut without reason, cook without courtesy. Scatter the grain and disturb all beings. A broken house. Take its treasure. We will definitely set fire to water, so as to harm residential buildings, disturb the scale of people, defeat people's merits, damage people's utensils and use them for the poor. Seeing that he is honored, may he be demoted. Seeing that he is rich, may he break up. Seeing his beauty, I was inspired by it. He died because of his goods and wealth. If you don't do what you want, you will curse and hate. When he sees that he has lost his toilet, he says he has.
laugh at him when he's naked. Seeing him can be said and suppressed. Burying people is disgusting, killing trees with drugs. Angry master, against father and brother. Take what you want, so you can invade and seize it. Plunder and get rich, cheat and move. Reward and punishment are unfair, and enjoy the holidays. Abuse him, intimidate him. Complaining about others, the wind scolds the rain. Fight for lawsuits, and chase cronies in vain. It is against parents' instruction to use wives and concubines. Get new and forget old things. Duplicity, greed for money, bullying it. Make evil words and ruin people. Destroy people to be straight, blame god for being right, abandon obedience and disobedience, and turn your back on relatives.
it refers to the fact that heaven and earth lead the gods to supervise obscene things by proving the inferiority. Give regret, but don't pay it back under the guise. Extra efforts are needed, and strength is provided. Excessive lust, wicked heart looks kind. Dirty food makes people feel embarrassed, and the left road confuses people. Short feet are narrow, and light scales are small. Mix the false with the true, and take advantage of the rape. Pressing the good for the cheap, being stupid, greedy, cursing for straightness. Drinking is rebellious, and the flesh and blood are angry. Men are unfaithful and women are disobedient. Don't talk to your husband. Every time you boast, you often envy.
It's rude to your wife, to your aunt, to despise the spirit, and to disobey your orders. As useless, I have an ulterior motive. Curse yourself and curse him, preferring to hate him. The more the well, the more the stove, the more people jump. Abortion at the expense of children is more secluded. Huila singing and dancing, Shuo Dan angry.
Spit and drown in the north, chant and cry in the kitchen. They also burn incense with stoves and use dirty firewood as food. Dew at night, eight sections of execution. Spit a meteor, which means a rainbow. Refers to the three lights, long-term view of the sun and the moon, spring moon burning wax, and swearing at the north. Killing a turtle and hitting a snake for no reason, if it is such a crime, the company's life will depend on its severity and take away its discipline. If you do your best, you will die. If you die, you will be responsible, but it will affect your children and grandchildren. And those who extort money from others are planning their wives' families to be pawned, and gradually die. If you don't die, there will be fire and water thieves, artifacts left behind, diseases and tongues, so that you can take it straight. Those who kill people in vain are easy to kill each other.
those who take non-semantic wealth, such as leaking breast to quench hunger and quenching thirst with wine, will die even if they are not temporarily full. A husband's heart begins with goodness, and although goodness has not been done, Ji Shen has followed. Or the heart begins with evil, although evil has not been done, and the evil god has followed. Some of them have done evil things, and then they repent, and all the evils are not done, and all the good people pursue them. It will be auspicious for a long time, and the so-called turning disaster into happiness is also. Therefore, Ji people speak well, regard good and do good. There are three good things in one day, and three years will be a blessing. The murderer speaks evil words, treats evil as evil, and does evil. One day, there are three evils, and three years will bring disaster. Hu does it without encouragement. 2. Seeking the original translation of Tai Shang Induction
The original translation of Tai Shang Induction (vernacular translation) points to this song Li Changling. Tai Shang, the master of Bao Puzi, said: "There is no portal for disaster and happiness."
it is determined by people's good and evil behavior whether they enter the trouble gate or the blessing gate. The retribution of good and evil, like the shadow of a person, moves with the body of a person.
There are gods in heaven and earth who specialize in supervising the good and evil on earth, and these gods give different degrees of punishment according to the severity of crimes committed by people. The gods who commit crimes lightly make you poor, and often encounter sorrow and disasters. Everyone hates you, and punishment and disasters follow you. Good things have no fate with you, and evil stars bring disaster to you until you die.
There are also three deities, Beidou, on people's heads to record their sins. When the moon is unknown, the Kitchen God also records people's sins like Santai and Big Dipper.
No matter who you are, as long as you commit a sin, you will be killed if the sin is big, and the sin will not shout that everything is unsatisfactory and unsuccessful. There are hundreds of sins, big or small. If you want to live a long life, you should avoid all the sins.
if you are good, you will move forward; if you are not good, you will retreat. Don't go astray, don't do evil in secret.
accumulate virtue and do good deeds, do more good deeds, and be kind to things. Loyalty, filial piety, friendship, aboveboard behavior, and influence others by behavior.
Have pity on the lonely and weak, and help the poor. Respect the elderly and care for children.
animals and plants are not harmed. We should sympathize with people who have died and lost their lives, be happy when they have good deeds, help when they are in trouble and save when they are in danger.
it's the same to see people gain, and it's the same to see people lose. Don't publicize the shortcomings of others, and don't show off your strengths.
stop evil things, publicize good things, and see the benefits so that others can get more than themselves. Don't complain when you are humiliated, but be alert when you are spoiled.
A good person is one who does good without asking others to repay him or regretting what he has done with others. Only in this way can others respect you, the gods bless you, Fulu follow you, evil eludes you, and the gods protect you.
you will succeed in what you want to do, and you will have hope if you want to be a fairy. He who wants to be a fairy should do 1,3 good deeds, and he who wants to be a fairy should do 3 good deeds.
If you waver when you see something unjust, act when you see something unnatural; Take doing evil as the ability, have the heart to harm, plot to hurt good people, and use tricks to deceive the upper and lower; Neglect Mr. and betray past good deeds; Arrogance and ignorance, slander classmates; Hypocrisy, framing, fraud, hypocrisy, beating and cursing clan relatives and friends; Bullying the weak by force and cruel by means; Regardless of right and wrong, reverse black and white; Abuse subordinates, hunt for fame, and flatter superiors for benefits; Don't thank others for their kindness, and resent others endlessly; Look down on everyone; Disrupting state decrees; Reward the bad guys and punish the innocent good guys; Killing people and robbing money, relying on framing to attack others and seek other people's seats; Killing surrendered enemies and excluding virtuous and upright people; Bullying and persecuting the lonely, the weak and the poor; Violate the law and discipline and accept bribes; Say the straight song, say the straight song, and take the light as the heavy one; Cheer for the wicked, knowing that you are wrong is not correct; Knowing that it is a good thing and refusing to do it, you have to drag others into the water if you are guilty; Slander sages and distort morality; Shoot birds, chase animals, dig wormholes, frighten animals on high places, and kill people; I hope others make mistakes and envy others for success; Endanger others to get their own safety; Take what belongs to others as your own; Exchange bad things for good things, and harm the public and the fat for personal gain; Plagiarizing others' achievements and hiding others' kindness; Learn from others' defects and attack others' privacy; Waste other people's goods and money, alienate others' flesh and blood; Occupy other people's beloved things and help bad people do bad things; Be determined to play down a peg or two and insult others for fun; Destroy other people's crops and destroy other people's marriages; It is shameless to make ill-gotten gains; The advantage is your own, and the fault is pushed to others; Pass on your disaster to others and sell your junk to others; Fishing for fame and reputation, with ulterior motives; Hurt others' strengths and safeguard their own shortcomings; Bullying others and encouraging thugs to commit crimes; Cut branches for no reason, kill pigs and sheep without courtesy; Waste food, waste people's money; Destroy other people's homes and steal other people's treasures; Breaking water and setting fire to destroy houses; Bad guys plan to make people fail; Damage to other people's equipment and articles, so that others can not use it; Seeing that others are prosperous, they curse him for being demoted and killed; Seeing that others are rich, I hope that they will be ruined and scattered; Seeing a woman's beauty makes her lustful; If you take someone else's treasure, you want him to die; If you beg others and fail to achieve your goal, curse and hate him; When you see someone else's mistakes, say he is wrong; Laugh at others when they are ugly, and reject them when they are talented; Pest people with poison and harm vegetation with poison; Resentment of master, disharmony with parents and brothers; Take things by force and get rich by robbing others of their property; Seek promotion by hypocrisy of tongue; Uneven rewards and punishments, indolence, and no restraint; Harsh abuse of subordinates, threatening to intimidate others; Complain about others, complain about the wind and scold the rain; Fight to complain, jump out of cronies; Listen to your wife and violate your parents' rules and regulations; Likes the new and hates the old, and is duplicitous; Greedy for treasure, cheating the boss; Create rumors, bad reputation; Take destroying others as an advantage, and open your mouth to blame God for thinking it is right; Abandon harmony, follow the example of disobedience, regardless of intimacy; Falsely refer to heaven and earth to defend themselves, and falsely refer to gods to cover up their misdeeds; Give something to others and regret it. Borrow something from others and don't want to return it. Failing to keep one's duty, gaining profits skillfully and hindering others from giving alms; Excessive lust, good appearance and vicious heart; Give rotten food to others, go astray and confuse everyone; Shortness of weight, confusion with falsehood, good business for profit; Treat other people's good things as cheap things and bully fools; Insufficient greed, unfair trading; Drunk * * *, flesh and blood disputes; Men are disloyal and women are not submissive; Family discord, disrespect for husband; Like to brag, always jealous; Don't be rude to your wife and your in-laws; Neglect one's predecessors and violate one's fate; What you do is not good for people, and you have different opinions; Curse yourself on the outside but actually curse others, love and hate yourself; I like to jump over wells and cookers, jumping from people's rice bowls and heads; Abortion, sneaking around; Singing and dancing at night, howling at dawn; Spit and urinate in the north, chant and cry at the stove; Light incense with a stove fire and cook with dirty firewood; You can't get up naked at night, and you will be executed in eight sections; Spitting at a meteor means a rainbow, pointing to the sun, the moon and the stars, and staring at the sun and the moon for a long time; Burning and hunting in spring, cursing at the north; Kill turtles and snakes for no reason. All these sins, according to the severity of their sins, command the gods to stop or seize your calculation, making you futile or suffer.
if you are guilty, you will die, even if you die, you still have debts. 3. How many words are there in the original text of Taishang Induction
Most of the sentences in Taishang Induction are taken from Ge Hong (284-343) and Bao Puzi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The full text is 1,277 words, which is divided into four parts: general statement, good deeds, evil deeds and conclusion. * * * lists 22 good deeds and 155 evil deeds.
"Tai Shang gan pian" was first seen in the literature of the Song Dynasty. In 1164, Sok Li of the Southern Song Dynasty included the book "Induction on Tai Shang" in the book "Le Shan Lu" edited by him. Zhen Dexiu (1178-1235), a well-known Confucian, wrote a preface to The Induction on the Mount, and Song Lizong (reigned 1225-1264) wrote the eight characters "All evils should be avoided, and all good should be pursued" at the beginning of the book, and assisted its publication and circulation.
Tai Shang Induction, which advocates "accumulating merit and being kind to things", emphasizes "loyalty and filial piety, caring for friends, helping others, caring for the widowed, respecting the old and caring for the young", which embodies Confucian ethics. In Confucianism, the five cardinal principles are particularly emphasized, and the hierarchy of monarch, minister, father and son, and husband and wife is clearly defined. In Tai Shang Induction, it is also regarded as the criterion of evil deeds, such as "disturbing national politics", "disobeying orders", "using wives' and concubines' language", "disobeying parents' instruction" and "men are disloyal, women are disobedient, don't care about their affairs and disrespect their husbands". It can be said that the book "Tai Shang Induction" actually establishes a standard of standing in the world based on Confucian moral norms and Taoist and Buddhist religious rules and regulations.
"Tai Shang Induction" fully embodies the reverence for the authority of ghosts and gods. The book holds that there are gods or ghosts in the sky, on the ground and in the human body, which record people's sins and bring misfortune to people, such as the god of the company on the earth, the three big dipper gods in the sky and the three corpse gods on people. Their norms and constraints on people are always there. People should fear them and be disrespectful to the sun, the moon and other things that symbolize ghosts and gods, so they refer to "spitting on meteors, pointing to rainbows, pointing to three lights and looking at them for a long time" And "killing a turtle and hitting a snake for no reason" will also lead to "taking away its discipline and calculation, and it will die if it is done, and the responsibility for death will affect future generations." 4. Ask for 1 classical Chinese reading questions and answers
1. Huang Wanqiao is young and wise to Huang Wan.
Grandfather Joan is the prefect of Wei County. The solar eclipse in the first month of the first year of jianhe.
the capital is missing, but Joan hears about it. The queen mother asked how much she had eaten.
Joan thinks she's right and doesn't know what's going on. Wan, who was seven years old, said, "Why don't you say that the eclipse is like the beginning of the month?" Joan was frightened, that is, she loved it with her words.
note ① jianhe: year number of emperor Huan of Han dynasty. The first year of construction was 147 AD.
② The capital was not seen: the solar eclipse could not be seen in the capital. Cultural knowledge "Empress Dowager" and others.
since the Qin dynasty, the son of heaven has been called "the emperor" and the wife of the emperor has been called "the queen". "Empress Dowager" (or Empress Dowager) refers to the emperor's mother (also known as "Empress Dowager" by the mother of the Zhou Dynasty princes), and the emperor's father is called "Tai Shang Huang".
The grandmother of the emperor is called "Empress Dowager", and the grandfather of the emperor is called "Empress Dowager". "Tai" means supreme, so the emperor's doctor is called "Tai Yi", the emperor's teacher is called "Tai Shi" and the emperor's ancestral temple is called "Tai Miao".
thinking and practice 1. explanation: ① imperial edict; ② strangeness; translation: ① Joan thinks that it is right and doesn't know what is going on; (2) Respond to your words; (3) Choose: "Joan listens to her words" has the following understanding, which one is incorrect? (1) Huang Qiong therefore heard about this situation; (2) Huang Qiong report this situation to the emperor; (3) Huang Qiong let the emperor hear this situation. 4. Understanding: What did Huang Wan say after the eclipse? 2. Prodigy Zhuang Yougong, Zhuang Yougong in the middle of Guangdong Province, has a reputation as a child prodigy.
The home is adjacent to the Guangdong General Office. It is a kite-flying play, so it is suitable to stay in the general office, and the village directly asks for it. With their extraordinary deities, the soldiers said, "Where is the boy?" Zhuang Yishi is right.
The general said, "Have you ever studied? Was it right? " Zhuang said, "Yes, it's a trivial matter, why not!" The general said: