Psalm 65
You take care of the land, water it and make it fertile. ? God's river is full of water; You water the land in this way to prepare food for people. (Ps。 65:9)
Key words:
Let the rain soak ... prepare the grain.
When the Apostle Paul began his missionary journey, he took nature as an example to explain to foreigners that God has universal grace and hoped to guide people to know the true God who is in charge of nature.
Therefore, Paul described God and said, "In previous generations, he made all nations go their own ways, but he never failed, showing evidence for himself. As usual, he gave you kindness, rained from the sky, and rewarded you with a good harvest so that you could eat and be full of joy." (Bill 14: 16- 17)
Yes, people who live in the agricultural era often have a deeper understanding of the changes in nature and a more thorough understanding of the smallness of people in front of nature. Therefore, they are more likely to have religious feelings and reverence for the gods.
Nowadays, people living in reinforced concrete forests are getting farther and farther away from nature, but at the same time they feel less awe, more self-righteous, more self-centered, and despise nature and the transcendental wisdom and strength behind it.
But even so, God did not stop blessing the world, as the Lord Jesus said: "Because he makes the sun shine on the good and the bad;" Rain has given just people and unjust people. " (Matt 5:45) God's love for the world has never stopped, and his universal grace has never diminished!
Lord in charge of all things in nature, it turns out that you are blessing the world every day through the operation of wind, frost, rain and snow, but the world doesn't know and thank you. I only hope that children can see your beauty from the daily operation of nature and honor you!
May the Lord guide the world to realize God's universal grace, and finally return to the only special grace that can save people from this universal grace. Amen!