What does Islam believe in?

Five major beliefs of Islam 1. Belief in Allah: Belief in Allah is the core and foundation of Islam. Muslims should firmly believe that Allah is the creator and master of all things in the universe. 2. Immortal belief: Islam believes that the universe consists of the world of man and the world of God. Immortals are gods created by God with light, and they carry out God's commands. They manage the paradise garden and convey the will of Allah to mankind. 3. Belief in Classics: Classics are the classics revealed by God to the messengers and the words of God. 4. Messenger of faith: A messenger is a person sent by God to guide people to "convert to the right path". 5. Belief in doomsday: Islam believes that the universe and all life will eventually be destroyed. After that, Allah resurrects all life and judges the resurrected soul and body. Those who do good will go to heaven, and those who do evil will go to hell.