1, Dickinson's "On the other side of the fence" English original over the fences trawberries growth over the fences couldclip-if I try, I know iknowBerrysareness! However, ifestainedmyaprongod will definitely be cold! Oh, dear, I think he is lame-if he can! L 1: There is a strawberry over the fence. I know I can climb up if I want. Strawberries are too sweet! However, when the apron is dirty, God will definitely scold me. Oh, dear, I guess, if he was a child, he would climb it, too, if he could climb it!
2. petofi's English poem Poem of Freedom: Freedom, Love! These two need it. I will sacrifice my love for freedom. English: Life is precious, but love is more expensive, so if you are free, you can throw both.