Painters are usually integrated with writers and poets. Is there any internal connection between them?

There is a connection between poetry and painting. Perhaps the words "image" and "language" will help us pay attention to the relationship between them, and also let us notice the difference between them. Painters create images, and poets also create images. Painters also have language, although it is not as clear as the poet's language to some extent. For a landscape, the color palette is like a negative grammar, which excludes some colors from the possibility range. Similarly, it is also a positive type of grammar, indicating the gradual possibility from the earth to rivers, forests and the sky. Both poets and painters want to achieve the silence behind the language and the silence inside the language. Painters and poets want their works to shine not only in the sun, but also (by any magic) in the sun; It may even shine more from the inside of the sun than in the sun, because many of their works have never been seen in the sun. Their goal is to perform magic in caves, graves and dead people. Maybe they are substitutes for the sun. The poet strolled in the museum. Among so many different ideas and ways of dealing with them, two things are special: silence and light. Looking at the picture frame as a window, he saw the room inside and the scenery outside-what China people call "landscape painting"-and he knew from the silence that what he saw was the past, death and immutable things; He also knows other things, that is, what he sees is not only the past, the dead and the unchangeable, but also what he intended to be from the beginning: that is, what has become the past from the beginning. Therefore, there is silence in so many different themes and techniques; As a result, the solemnity of the museum is full of loneliness; The glory of painting stands in some enchanted space between life and death.