"Children, it is natural for you to listen to your parents in the Lord." -Paul reminds Christians here to respect and obey their parents, which is the core of a Christian ethics.
"Filial piety is serious. With the promised blessing, you will be blessed and live long in the world. " This sentence further expounds the importance of respecting and obeying parents, and emphasizes that doing so will bring blessings and blessings.
Fathers, don't make your children angry, but bring them up according to the teaching and warning of the Lord. -Paul reminds his father not to annoy his children, but to raise them according to the teaching and warning of the Lord.
Servants, be afraid and tremble, and listen to the master of the flesh sincerely, just as you listen to Christ. This sentence is Paul's instruction to Christians as servants to serve their masters with fear of God and sincerity, just like serving Christ.
"Don't just serve in front of your eyes, like pleasing others, but like a servant of Christ, do God's will from your heart." What is emphasized here is that as servants of Christians, we should work with the mentality of serving God, not just catering to the preferences of our masters.
"Serve with love, as if you are serving the Lord, not people." This sentence emphasizes that the act of serving others should start from love, just like serving the Lord, rather than simply pursuing personal interests.
"Because our war is not aimed at flesh and blood, but at those who are in power, in power, in charge of this dark world, and the sky is a demon with a halo." In this sentence, Paul reminds Christians.
Our war is not against people, but against evil spiritual rulers and demons. Here, "rule, take power and take charge of this dark world" can be understood as demons at different levels in the dark forces.
"So, pick up the whole military uniform of God and let you stand up in difficult days, and you can finally stand up." In the spiritual war, Paul warned Christians that they need to wear all the military uniforms that God has given us, so that they can stand the test and attack successfully in difficult days.
"So you should stand firm, gird your waist with truth and protect your chest with righteousness."-Here are some equipment needed in spiritual warfare, such as girding your waist with truth to protect yourself from evil attacks.
"Put the gospel of peace on your feet as a shoe to prepare for walking"-the gospel of peace here refers to the gospel of Christ. Wearing it on our feet as shoes for walking means that we need to walk in the world as Christians to avoid being confused by temptation and evil.
"Besides, he can put out all the evils of rockets with faith as a shield." Faith here refers to our faith and confidence in God. It is our shield in the spiritual war, which can prevent evil attacks.
Put on the helmet of salvation and pick up the sword of the Holy Spirit, which is the word of God. The helmet of salvation here refers to our belief in salvation, and the sword of the Holy Spirit refers to God's word, and we need to use God's word to resist evil attacks.
"By the Holy Spirit, pray and pray for all the saints here at any time." -In spiritual wars, we need to rely on the help of the Holy Spirit to pray and pray in various ways at any time. At the same time, we also need to pray, support and encourage other Christians.
The above is Ephesians.
"Abigail, those who are always with you, my brothers and those who believe in Christ greet you." At the end of the letter, Paul blessed the believers, mentioned his friend Abigail and other Christians, and expressed their concern and blessing for the church in Ephesus.
Overall, Ephesians 6 is about spiritual war and how to put on the full military uniform that God gave us in Christ. It reminds us that in the face of all kinds of trials and temptations in the world, we need to rely on the power of God to fight evil with truth, justice, the gospel of peace, faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, we should always pray for ourselves and other Christians.