The original text and annotations of "The Book of Songs Without Clothes" are as follows:
Original text:
Does it mean Wu Yi? Be in the same robe as your son. The king raised his army, repaired my sword and spear, and shared the same enemy with me! How can I say that I have no clothes? Tongze with Zi. The king has raised his army, repaired my spear and halberd, and worked with me together! How can I say that I have no clothes? Wear the same clothes as your son. The king raised his troops, repaired my armor and soldiers, and went with me!
Qin Feng: one of the fifteen national styles in the Book of Songs, of which ten chapters are preserved. Robe: robe, today's cloak. King: This refers to Lord Qin. One theory refers to the Emperor Zhou. Yu: auxiliary word. Raise troops: raise troops. Repair: rectify. Enmity: Companions.
Hate, match. One thing is to say that we are all against the same enemy. Ze: Tong "襗", underwear, today's undershirt. Work together: act together. Shang: lower garment, this refers to the skirt. Jiabing: Armor and weapons. OK: Go.
Who said we have no clothes? Wear that robe with you. The king sends out troops to engage in battle, trims my sword and spear, and kills the enemy with the same target as you. Who said we have no clothes? Wear that underwear with you. The king sends out troops to fight, repairs my spear and halberd, and sets out to be with you. Who said we have no clothes? Wear that battle dress with you. The king sends out troops to fight, trims armor and swords, kills the enemy and advances with you.
The influence of the Book of Songs:
1. Literary influence
The Book of Songs is one of the earliest literary heritages in China. It has had an extensive and far-reaching impact on the literary creation of later generations. influence. The writing style of The Book of Songs is concise, lively, natural and smooth, focusing on the expression of artistic conception, which became the poetic ideal pursued by later literati. It has an important reference role in the form, rhythm and rhetorical techniques of later generations of poetry.
2. Music influence
Most of the contents of the Book of Songs are performed with music, and it played an important role in ancient court music. The tunes and scores of the Book of Songs provided valuable reference and inspiration for later generations of musicians. It had a profound impact on the development and evolution of ancient Chinese music and provided the basis for later music creation.
3. Ideological influence
Many chapters in the Book of Songs involve issues such as philosophy of life, moral principles and social ethics, reflecting the ideological concepts and moral standards of the ancient Chinese people. It emphasizes virtues such as loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and integrity, and puts forward requirements for personal self-cultivation, harmonization of the family, governance of the country, and peace of the world. These ideas have a profound impact on the moral education and social ethics of later generations.