Speech disorder is only one of the manifestations of autism and cannot be diagnosed.
Autism will also have the following manifestations:
(1) Social barriers: Children lack social skills, social desires, and even lack dependence on their parents; Make little eye contact with people and avoid eye contact;
(2) Narrow interests and rigid movements: children will do the same thing over and over again, play with the same toys, and be interested in the runner and the blades of electric fans;
(3) Cognitive impairment: According to the research at home and abroad, about 50% of autistic children have moderate mental retardation (IQ less than 50), 25% have mild mental retardation (IQ 50-69) and 25% have normal intelligence (IQ greater than 70);
(4) Poor fine movements: Some children's fine movements will develop poorly, and many fine movements will not be done or can't be done well.
For specific reasons, parents should go to the hospital for professional diagnosis, and don't delay their children's training. Early detection and early intervention can improve their abilities.