The blessings of those who keep the commandments

“You shall not make any vain idols; you shall not set up a graven image or a pillar; you shall not place in your land any carved stone image to bow down to, for I am the LORD yours. God.

You shall keep my Sabbaths and honor my sanctuary.

“If you keep my statutes and keep my commandments, I am the LORD. He will give you seasonal rain, so that the earth will produce its crops, and the trees of the field will bear their fruit.

Threat the grain until it is time to gather the grapes, and gather the grapes until it is time to sow the seeds. Eat to the full and live in safety in your land.

I will give you peace in your land; you will lie down and no one will scare you. I will destroy evil beasts from your land, and the sword will not pass through your land.

Pursue your enemies, and they will fall by your sword. Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred will chase ten thousand; your enemy will fall by your sword.

I will visit you and make you fruitful and multiply, and I will confirm my covenant with you.

You will eat the old food and move away the old food because of the new food. I will set up my tent among you; my soul will not hate you. I will walk among you; I will be your God, and you will be my people.

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt so that you would not be slaves to the Egyptians. I also broke your yoke so that you could stand up and go. ” (Leviticus 26:1-13 Union Version)

God’s word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path

Obey God’s laws and commandments, and regulations

God will take care of and protect them at home

God will bless them

God will send down seasonal rain so that they can live in safety and have enough to eat. Be satisfied,

Break the yoke of their yoke, and set them free to stand up and walk.

All of these are the covenants that the faithful God will firmly establish with his people

Those who obey God’s words are blessed