Meditation on Passion Week-Falling and Getting Up

After a day's rest, the Lord Jesus is about to face the most important moment in his life. On Passover Day, Jesus enjoyed dinner with his disciples and taught them. Therefore, the tradition of the church also calls this day fellowship day. However, in what happened this day, there is one thing that we often give in, and that is Peter's weakness. While eating, Jesus told his disciples that he was about to be caught and die. He also told his disciples that they would fall for it tonight. At this time, Peter boldly said that even if he died, he would follow. It is also recorded in the gospels, and so are other disciples. However, when the captors of Jesus arrived, some disciples immediately dispersed, and then the young man John followed Jesus, but he was recognized before he entered the yard, left his linen clothes and ran away naked. Although Peter followed him into the yard, he denied the Lord three times. This is exactly what Jesus said to him: before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.

That night, these disciples who followed Jesus for three years failed completely. It seems that Jesus failed to train them. However, in the later history of the church. It was these disciples who got up from the fall, founded the church and even changed the history of mankind.

The spiritual life of Christians is a process of growth. This process is like a person just learning to walk. There will always be falls, but you will never fall there all the time. They always have to stand up and walk again. The process of sanctification itself means that we have to face many temptations, and even we are doomed to fail. However, falling is even more terrible. Once you fall, you lie there and never get up again. Falling will make us more aware of our pride and self-righteousness. The Bible warns us that those who think they are powerful will fall. God is not worried that we are weak and fall, but that we are too strong.

We need to look at our falls from the perspective of grace. Even we have to admit and accept our falls, repent before God, stand up again, and run ahead with the grace achieved by the Lord Jesus. Run, Christian. Don't be afraid to fall and not run. Don't fall, and don't get up for fear of falling again. Get up and run until you run into the kingdom of God. What is the growth of life? Yes, I fell. Get up. Not by yourself, but by the grace of the Lord.