Wang Wei was threatened and General Wei refused to move. When Qin saw that Wei sent 100,000 troops to reinforce Zhao, it was said that which country would help Zhao beat me now and kill it when Qin destroyed Zhao. Wang Wei was afraid that Qin would deal with himself next, so he ordered the general in front not to move. Zhao was in a hurry, so he wrote to Wei Xin and asked him to save Zhao.
Xinling Junyi saved Zhao, made people steal military symbols and gained the military power of Jin. The letter kept receiving Zhao's distress letter, and at the suggestion of everyone, he asked a confidant around Wang Wei to steal Wang Wei's military emblem. Xinlingjun took the military emblem and asked Jinbi to give him military power. Jinbi refused, so Zhu Hai next to Xinlingjun took out the hammer in his sleeve and killed Jinbi. Xin Lingjun and others took control of Wei's army, reinforced Zhao, and drove him out with Zhao, but Zhao was not destroyed.
After the victory, I personally greeted Xin. Wang Wei was naturally very angry with Xin Lingjun. Xin Lingjun had Wei's army brought back to Wei, and he stayed in Zhao's life. After Zhao was rescued, Qin also realized that Zhao was not so easy to be destroyed, and stopped for a long time, and Zhao gained temporary peace.