Is it necessary to read the Old Testament?

Of course it is necessary! Just like without yesterday, can there be today? The Old Testament is divided into three themes: history, prophets, poetry and the Five Books of Moses. They are law books, but they are also history books. They recorded the beginning of the universe and the origin of mankind! Record the beginning of voters. So there are 17 volumes of history books, 17 volumes of prophets and 5 volumes of poems. A total of 39 volumes. In the Bible, the Old Testament is longer than the Covenant. I can understand what you mean. You mean history books. You really wrote the history of Israel. But we can learn about God's character and love from his attitude towards Israel, and we can also sum up what kind of beliefs we have, and learn from history to know the rise and fall. Although it is the history of Israel, it has reference significance for all mankind. Sometimes the questions in the New Testament must be answered in the Old Testament. I suggest that it is necessary for you to read the Old Testament if there is an opportunity. amen