Psalm 9 1:2 I will say the Lord, saying that he is my refuge, my fortress, my god and my trust.
Psalm 9 1:3 He will save you from the snare of the fowler and the poisonous plague.
Psalm 9 1:4 He will cover you with his feathers, and you will take refuge under his wings. His honesty is a shield of size.
Psalm 9 1:5 you will not be afraid of the horror of the night or the arrows flying in the day;
Psalm 9 1:6 is not afraid of the plague that runs in the dark, nor of the poisonous disease that kills people at noon.
When danger comes, you just hold your head and cringe? You can seek protection. ...
9 1: 1-6 God is our shelter and refuge when we are afraid. The author believes that the Supreme God is his protector and will lead him through all the dangers and fears in life. This should be the model of our faith-to turn all our fears into faith in God. In order to do this, we must live and rest with God (9 1: 1). Put us completely under the protection of God, and we will be safe.