The rogue Chi Chi holds cloth and silk. Bandits come to trade silk, and when they come, they come to plot against me. Send the son to Sheqi, and go to Dunqiu. The bandit is my fault, and I am an unscrupulous matchmaker. The general will not be angry, and autumn will come. ?
Ride on that wall to hope that the pass will be restored. Not seeing the return pass, I burst into tears. Seeing the return pass, I laughed and talked. Erbu Erzhen, the body has no blame words. Come with your car and move with my bribe.
The mulberry leaves have not yet fallen, and their leaves are lush. The doves are sighing, and there are no mulberries to eat. When I come to complain about my daughter, I have no time to spend time with scholars. It can still be said that scholars are delayed. A woman's procrastination cannot be explained.
The mulberry trees have fallen, and they have turned yellow and fallen. Self-imposed, poor at the age of three. The water in Qishui is flowing, and the curtains and clothes are gradually falling. Women are also unhappy, and scholars behave differently. Scholars are also extremely ignorant, but only have two or three virtues.
I am a married woman at the age of three, and I have to work hard at home. Work hard and sleep well at night, and the day will come. Once the words are fulfilled, they become violent. My brother didn't know, so he laughed. Think about it quietly and bow to yourself in mourning.
As we grow old together, old age makes me resentful. Qi has a bank, Xi has a bank. At the general banquet, Yan Yan talked and laughed. Be true to your word and never think about the opposite. On the contrary, if you don’t think about it, that’s enough.
"Guo Feng·Wei Feng·Meng" is a poem in the "Book of Songs", the first poetry collection in ancient China. It is a long poem in which an abandoned woman recounts her marriage tragedy. The woman in the poem The protagonist recalls the sweetness of love life and the pain of being abused and abandoned by her husband after marriage in an extremely sad tone. The whole poem is divided into six chapters, each chapter has ten lines. This poem expresses her regret through the self-narration of an abandoned wife. The mood and decisive attitude deeply reflect the situation in ancient society where women were oppressed and tortured on issues of love and marriage.
Translation: A simple and honest farm boy, holding cloth in his arms in exchange for silk. In fact, I don't really want to change silk, I just want to find an opportunity to talk about marriage. After sending Lang off to the west of Qishui, he arrived at Dunqiu Qingyiyi. It's not that I don't want to delay the wedding, but that you lost etiquette by not having a matchmaker. I hope you won't lose your temper and come back to marry me in the fall.
I climbed up the dilapidated earth wall and gazed at Fuguan. Fuguan is far away in the clouds and mist, and I can't see my lover with tears streaming down his face. The lover came immediately from Fuguan, talking and laughing happily. You go to ask the gods for fortune or misfortune. If there is no bad omen, you will feel very happy. Come in your car and carry the dowry for me.
When the leaves of the mulberry tree have not yet fallen, the branches are covered with luxuriant green. Those turtle doves, don't eat mulberries in your mouth. Alas, young girls, don't be reluctant to leave men. If a man likes you, it's too easy to throw him away. If a woman falls in love with a man, she will find it difficult to break free even if she wants to.
The leaves of the mulberry trees have fallen, turning yellow and haggard and swaying randomly. Since I married into your family, I have been poor and suffering for the past three years. The vast Qishui sent me home, and the water splashed and soaked the curtains of the car, making it wet and damp. There is nothing wrong with me being my wife, but you are too cunning and unruly as a man. He is capricious and has no principles, and he plays tricks when he changes his mind and is immoral.
In the three years after my marriage, I abided by women’s ethics and worked tirelessly on heavy housework. It's not too hard to get up early and stay late, and it's not a day to be busy at work. Who would have thought that now that you have a successful family, you would slowly be cruel to me. My brothers didn't know my situation, so they all laughed at me. I calmed down and thought about it carefully, secretly feeling sad and covering my face with tears.
Back then I vowed to grow old together, but now my heart has become sad even before we grow old together. The waves of Qishui will eventually have a shore, and although the swamp is wide, it will eventually have an end. Think about how happy we were when we were young, and how tender we were when we talked and laughed. The oath of eachother was within earshot, but who would have thought that now they would turn against each other. Don't think about those things at the beginning anymore. Now that you have come to this point, let it go.