Psalm 109 verse-by-verse prayer-reading explanation

The verse-by-verse annotation and prayer-reading explanation of Psalm 109 is as follows:

1. O God whom I praise, please do not be silent.

2. For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful have been opened against me, and they speak to me with lying tongues.

3. Slander me with vicious words and attack me for no reason.

4. But I am miserable and poor, Lord! I feel your salvation and your faithfulness with my mind and with my whole heart.

5. O Lord my God! But you allowed me to prove your power in front of my enemies. Please extend your hand to me and save me from the persecution of my enemies.

6. Because you are angry with me, my days on earth are numbered.

7. My body and my heart are failing because of you, Lord!

8. I pray to you in front of you, Lord! Please save me from my suffering.

9. Free me from all sins and all the works of the devil.

10. My faith is strengthened by you. Please save me from the trap of the wicked.

11. My God! You hear my voice; deliver me from all sin and the attacks of the devil.

12. My benefactor! You are my light; save me from destruction and from those who hate me and murder me.

13. My Lord! You are the god who saved me from death, disaster, and darkness, and for this I express my gratitude to you and offer you a sacrifice of thanksgiving.

14. Because you saved me, I want to sing a song of thanksgiving to your name.

15. May my prayers become the baptism of sin; may others gain my ministry.